Only 1 Stage of Grief - Episode 1

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Letting you know, though this Story may not be in Taco's POV all of the time, It will heavily follow where-ever Taco goes.


"W-.....What happened?   Was the only thing going through Taco's, rather hurting mind. Not only was she upside down, but her body felt like she had been hit by a truck or something. She also couldn't see, but that's beside her eyes were closed in pain.

"Where am-......." Taco's eyes slowly opened, no longer being tightly squinted. And that's when it all came back to her.

That truck? It was Bow.

What happened? Bow attacked her.

Where is she now?


The Final Stretch for the Million.

Taco's eyes immediately snapped open, now finally realizing where she exactly was. Right in-front of her is Bow, who still looks poised to attack once more. With a combined mix of both Anger and Adrenaline, Taco would kick Bow in the face, knocking her straight over. This allowed Taco to finally jump back onto her feet, and deliver one more punt-kick to Bow, just for good measure.

Unfortunately, all of this wasted precious time as OJ had finally caught back up, and actually ran past her too.

"NOO!" Taco shouted in desperation, attempting to rundown OJ......Though OJ was surprisingly quick, and started to pull away with a lead. So, Taco had one last resort......"BLEH!"

She shot a Lolipop from her mouth, a substitute from her used to be Lemons. It nailed OJ in the back of his head, somehow knocking him over and spilling his juice as-well.

"Hah!" Taco would gloat as she ran by OJ, but then ran into a problem.....LITERALLY. Taco didn't notice right after OJ's juice spilled, that she'd run right over it and eventually slip onto her back. Taco didn't have time to complain about the fact that she's now bruised, beaten, and has juice all over her shell. She only hopped back up, and pushed through the pain she was feeling at the moment, as did OJ.

Taco and OJ ran side-by-side as the Finish Line got closer and closer. Taco would pull ahead once she decided to shunt OJ back slightly, though OJ quickly caught up and retorted with the same move......Taco could still recover in-time to make one final push to the Finish Line.

Step for Step are OJ and Taco, getting ever so close to the Finish Line, and Taco can just taste the Million.

They got closer, and closer, and closer to the end.......And they leaped for the Finish at the same exact time.







Taco and OJ collide mid-air, both making a sounding impact as they hit the ground roughly. Taco was upside down and dazed once she landed, and didn't really know what happened besides the fact that they hit each other mid-air. Once she had gained her thoughts, it dawned upon her what happened.

She couldn't see the Finish Line, and she couldn't see OJ.........This only meant one thing.

She had lost.

(II.2) Taco's 2nd Try.Where stories live. Discover now