Scalping the Ice - Episode 3

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Taco almost couldn't fully grasp that she was in a new season. She had fully expected another season to not even come, and even in that event, she wouldn't be selected.....But she was, and apparently a Challenge might be coming up.

She had to think, and analyze. Simply, who can she drag along to further herself in the game? Just like she did with Pickle. Now see, Pickle, he was stupid, VERY stupid. Lowering her IQ to his basically, and acting together as sort of a [Idiotic Duo], they made it far in the game due to that. Or, she can use someone nice, say.....Marshmallow? Taco has a good knowledge of what the fans vote against, and that's Jerks, and being Annoying in a Bad Way. Taco was annoying in a funny way to most, considering she obviously survived eliminations due to that.

"Who could I pick out?"

"YEAH!" She hears Knife's shout of approval, "My fist's will break the Ice like butter." He declared, as Trophy meanwhile....looked unimpressed for the most part.

"Like those pillows you call fists are going to do anything." He stated.

"Guys.....I don't think that's what he meant-" Tissues added- "ACHOO!" Before sneezing accidentally onto Trophy.

"Gross man!" He replied, obviously disgusted towards Tissues.

"Sorry-" Tissues sniffed, "It's my condishawn."

"Ew! Germs!" Soap yelled, going over and cleaning the mess off of Trophy, "We must eliminate them at all costs!" She then laughs nervously.

"Neat freak." Nickel mumbled.

"....This Newer-Cast is full of odd-balls aren't they." Taco thought to herself, "Tissues is a hard pass, and maybe Soap as-well."

"Guys, Ice-Breakers is a relative term for a way of bonding between two people that have never met." Test Tube explained, as MePhone nodded.

"That is correct, and I would've said that if I wasn't INTERUPTED." He stated, looking annoyed at most of the Contestants.

"I didn't interrupt you, I'm your biggest fan!" Fan exclaimed....I'm not sure if he meant to make a pun there or not, but I'm not going to question it any longer.

"He's a fan. Get it?" Cheesy punned once again, but this time the Cherries didn't find it amusing.

"Okay, that's not funny." The Right Cherry stated bluntly.

"I thought fans spin." Taco asked, eventually deciding to say something, but stupidly at the same time.

"Like a ceiling fan?" Test Tube responded, as Taco only looked confused.

"There's different types of fans?" She said quizzedly, while Test Tube only face-palmed with a sigh.

"So what fun games are we going to play to get to know each other?" Marshmallow asked sweetly. There it is, unknowingly being cute and all. I could probably ally myself with her, never tried it last time really.

"Oh, well....I literally mean Ice-Breakers." MePhone explained, "We're headed over to the Glastonion Glacier."

"Never heard of it....." Marsh said.

"Well now you do."


[Eventually - The Glacier]

"This doesn't really apply to the definition I explained....." Test Tube mentioned, staring at the glacier in the water.

(II.2) Taco's 2nd Try.Where stories live. Discover now