"Calm" Before the Storm - Episode 2 Part 2

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Note - I updated the Title for both Last Chapter and This one, to be a 2-Parter, instead of just Episode 3.

So basically, this is a continuation of nearly where we left off last time.

Taco's Room - 2:53 PM.

Taco is just....sitting on her bed, chilling and watching the television. That is all. Yes, even Taco can do such normal things as basically nothing. All she knows is that Pickle is eventually going to knock on her door, and then she'll have to put her facade back on. And that is basically all of what Taco was expecting today.

That was, until she heard something outside of the Hotel......

Taco put the TV on mute, throwing her legs off of the bed.

"It that a-....Plane?" Taco wondered, walking over to open her blinders, and nearly getting blinded by the sudden amount of light let in. She can still hear the noise, and is finally able to open her eyes after getting them adjusted.

Yes, It is in-fact a plane flying dangerously close to the Hotel. Right before leaving Taco's view from the window, it starts to make a banking turn. Now Taco hasn't been out far and wide into the world since joining Inanimate Insanity, but she knows there isn't a place for this plane to GO, or LAND, so something had to be going on, It's just what?

Taco began to think if anybody else had heard or seen that Plane. ("AHHHHH") And then she heard the screeching of Bomb, meaning yes, yes they have.



Taco would make her way to the Living Room, where everyone else was there. Apparently this Plane was making that much of a ruckus.

"What's the plane for?" Taco asked out-loud, hoping for someone to at-least try and answer her question.

"We don't know yet." OJ shrugged, as Taco sighed. Well, he was literally the last one Taco wanted to hear from.


"But we're going to find out." Baseball announced, as Nickel glanced at him.

"We are?" Nickel asked.

"Yeah, why not?" Pickle added, and that was the end of the debate, you could sort of say. Everybody quickly exited the front of Hotel OJ, each wondering both why the plane was here, and who was piloting it?


It was quickly found out who it was. They stood outside of the plane, and on the wing of it for a couple of seconds.....before jumping off.


"Oh, It's.......MePhone." Paper stated, almost deadpan like.

"But why did he have to come in a plane?" Pickle asked, as Taco only shrugged.

"Maybe for a Grand Entrance?" She said, as everybody watched MePhone fall towards the ground with a parachute on.......and continue to fall......then he eventually ended up hitting the ground without it even deploying. It would deploy seconds after he had already crash landed.

"Grand alright." Pickle mumbled, finding MePhone's little situation a bit humorous.

"Um.....Hello?" OJ said, mostly wondering why MePhone decided to drop in on a plane.

(II.2) Taco's 2nd Try.Where stories live. Discover now