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I climbed out of the taxi and turned to help my girlfriend, Juliet. We grabbed our bags and paid the driver then turned to look up at my childhood home. It had been nearly a year since I'd visited last. That didn't explain why my parents had called me here so suddenly.

" Why are you so nervous, Rabbit?" Jules asked beside me.

I sighed softly and looked down at her,"I don't know, Dragonfly,  just have a bad feeling."

She smiled softly and laced our fingers together, "Nothing is wrong."

I gave her a small smile and nodded. We walked up to the house and knocked before going in.

Mom greeted us at the door, she had a smile on her face but it looked forced. Something was wrong. 

"Where's dad?" I asked looking around.

"He - He's in the kitchen." She started. I moved to walk around her but she grabbed my arm,"Andy wait," she whispered.  There were tears in her eyes now which only made me more determined to get into the kitchen.

I pushed passed her and walked down the hall to the kitchen, mom and Juliet following closely. I froze in the doorway and just stared for a moment.

My dad was standing by the counter but across from him by the back door was a girl. She had black and purple hair with one side shaved, a rounded jaw and thin cheeks. It was her eyes though, the same shade of blue as mine.

" Andy," my father murmered slowly,"This is Raven. She is your half sister. "

I gulped and looked at him, "She's like 16,"

He nodded, keeping his eyes on the ground,"She's 17."

"That cheated on mom," I breathed out.

He stared away embarrassed and behind me I could hear mom sniffling. They were a mess. They never fought or argued. My parents love each other. It's just this girl! She's the reason they're upset.

" What the fuck is she doing here?" I growled out angrily.

Her face went blank then turned to match mine with just as much anger and hate in her gaze.

" You think I want to be here?" She snapped back at me. Beside her there was a growl and I noticed a grey and white pit bull standing at her heals. 

" You're really going to let her live here?" I demanded and looked at my mom.

She stared away from me refusing to look at me.

" Calm down, son. How about you and Jules get settled in and we'll discuss this more in the morning." My dad sighed.

I glared at them all before turning and marching out of the room.


Well, there it is. The prologue. The first change as well. I just realized, guy shows up, girl shows up afterwards, girl moves across the country that day. Doesn't make sense. Sooooo the first chapter will start in Cincinnati rather than LA.

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