Chapter 1 Pump Mud Through My Veins

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I paced around the study, my eyes on the ground while my parents watched from the window. Juliet was talking to them but they were being quiet, I couldn't hear anything they said.

"I can't believe you're letting her stay here," I grumbled and turned to look at them. 

"Actually she's not staying here." Mom said and glanced at the others.

"She's coming to live with us." Juliet finished.

" What?!" I yelled out. "No no no, no way. Not happening. " I growled. 

" Yes she is." Juliet snapped back,"She's your sister.  You need to get to know her. Your parents have things to work out, it won't kill you Andrew."

I stared at her incredulously. "You're taking her side?"

" I'm helping your parents." She huffed softly. 

I rolled my eyes and stomped out of the room.

Helping them? How is that helping? She ruined their relationship.  My parents are fighting because of this girl. She's absolutely horrid. And she's coming to live with us? 

I sighed and flopped down on my old bed. Posters and pictures still covered the walls. An old hockey trophy on the desk next to a picture of my family, we were all smiling and happy at my first gig. There was no secret sister then. I guess she was alive though. She's only a few years younger than me.

I just don't understand why dad cheated? I'm sure the girls mom wasn't all that. There's no way she could be better than my mom.

"Andy?" I looked up at Juliet and sighed softly. 

" I don't like her." I grumbled.

"Give her a chance." She said and sat by me. Her little hand laced with mine and stroked my knuckles.

"Andy, she's not bad. I talked to her earlier and she's very nice. The dog, Shadow, he's a sweetheart." She continued. 

" I'm putting my foot down on the dog. He's not coming." I growled. 

" Andy!" She glared up at me.

" No." I glared back. She grumbled and stood up walking out of the room. I sighed and stared at the wall contemplating everything that had happened. All of this new information.  A new sister...

I went downstairs the next morning to find Juliet standing with the girl, bags sat around their feet and the dog was sitting by her like before.  Dad was on the phone while mom fussed over the girls. I couldn't even look at them anymore. I couldn't deal with it.

"I said no to the dog," I grumbled and picked up mine and Juliets things.

" He's staying with CC." Juliet said and helped Raven with her bags. She had two guitar cases and several bags, one looked like it was filled with dog toys.

" That's all you're taking?" I snorted. She's an orphan with nothing. That's why they want her to live with me I guess. Let big brother Andy buy her things and make her famous.

"The rest of her things will arrive tomorrow. " Dad said as he stepped up beside me.

I rolled my eyes and stomped outside to the waiting taxi. The girls followed a moment later, my parents were standing in the doorway, they both looked miserable. 

" To the airport then," Juliet sighed beside me.


My mind was racing as fast as my heart. Andy Biersack is my brother. He's also a huge jerk.

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