Chapter Nine

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"Dad, dad! Wake up, it's Christmas!" 

My eyes crack open and a small smile plays at my lips at the sound of Christopher's voice. I whip the duvet cover off of my body and stretch a bit before swinging my legs over the edge of the bed. Once dressed in a light sweater and jeans for the day I walk out of my room into the living area. I glance into the kitchen after seeing no one around. Looking down to my slippers I notice an arrow made out of wrapping paper pointing towards the front door. I follow the arrows and find Eddie standing in the doorway, eyes brimming with tears. In the yard in front of us stands Shannon with Chris' small body wrapped tightly around her. A giant Christmas tree with presents is sitting on the ground behind them.

I walk up, patting Eddie on the shoulder. "You did a good job, kid."

He laughs, wiping at his tears before retorting, "Kid? Last time I checked I was older than you."

I give him a light shove, gesturing for him to join them in the embrace. He hesitates in the door frame for a moment before giving in and embracing the two. I smile and turn back into the living room to give them some privacy. The three are outside opening presents when I hear an engine pull up the drive and honk their horn. I grab my bag quickly, making sure to not forget the champagne bottle, and head out the door. I yell my goodbyes to the family as I traipse across the lawn and hop into Buck's jeep.

"Merry Christmas," I say, leaning over to grab his hand.

"Merry Christmas to you too," He replies, glancing out of the window in the direction of the other three.

"C'mon, let's get out of here before you cry." I tease.

"Reunions get me every time." He replies, and I recall yesterday when they returned from a call with a soldier and his young daughter. Buck was still teary-eyed when they came back to the station, and was, of course, teased by the others.

I suppose I got lost in my thoughts because the next thing that I know we are pulling up to a beautiful modern house that I assume is Athena's.

"So, How do you want to play this?" Buck questions after killing the engine. I don't have to ask what he means because I thought about it all night after leaving the Santa festivity.

"I say we play it cool. I mean, we don't even know what 'this' is yet," I say, gesturing between the two of us, "so why bring everyone else into it?" 

"I agree, although it's going to be hard." 

"Why's that?"

He smirks, his eyes staring into mine as he leans closer, "Because I've wanted to kiss you again since you got in the car." 

"Well, that sounds like a you problem." I sarcastically reply before hopping back out of the car and into the pavement. I hear him lightly laugh as I shut the door behind me. He catches up to me at the door just as I reach over to ring the bell. 

Athena opens the door, her smile beaming as she says, "Merry Christmas!"

"Ah, thanks for inviting us! I brought Christmas" Buck replies, grinning back at her, and holding up a carton of eggnog.

"And, I brought congratulations!" I add, pulling the bottle of champagne from my bag.

"Awh, well thank you. You are always welcome. Maddie didn't want to join us?" Athena questions, seeming genuinely curious.

"I think this year she needed a different kind of Christmas," Buck states, shining his perfect grin at Athena. 

"Alright, well come on in." 

Hold The Line -Evan Buckley-Where stories live. Discover now