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" I heard that a spirit lived here and he apparently doesn't like new guests!" My friend, Moxie, stated as me and my other friends walked to the abandoned home in the woods. " I hope there isn't an actual ghost." My other friend, Vix, was scared of the ghost was real but liked the thrill of one actually being there. Those two were poor opposites. Moxie was a punk, edgy, goth girl while Vix was more of a soft girl.

" If the ghost exists, wouldn't it be unwise to enter its home?" My final friend in the group, Ash, was more formal with his words but don't him trick you. The boy is the most extra and informal that someone can get. " Yeah, Moxie shouldn't we rethink this? I've heard stories that it gets really windy in just that one area." I explain, speeding up to stand next to the punk girl. 

" The wind picks up? Is that really scaring you (Y/n)? Wind?" She laughed and wrapped her arm around my neck, resting on my shoulders. " We'll be fine! People are just dramatic. I didn't buy candles, ouija board, and other ghost stuff for nothing!" " Moxie, you already had those." Ash reminded her. " Shut up Ash."

The four of you made it to the ruin down-home just as the sun started to set. You all enter and find a good place to camp out. " So, what's the story with the ghost here?" Vix asks, already breaking into her snacks. I stole a pocky from her box. " Apparently the ghost who haunts this home died after getting into an argument with his Father and leaving. He went on a mission to prove his Father wrong but died before completing it. And now he lives here." Moxie explained, dumping out all her ghost equipment. 

" That sounds made up," I mumbled as I ate the pocky. " Probably is. So, what shall we try first?" Moxie asked. " Setting up an EVP recorder and camera first would seem the most logical," Ash suggested. Moxie nodded and gave me and Ash cameras. She also gave Vix the EVP recorder. " Ash, me and you set up cameras here. (Y/n), find places around the house for the rest of them ok! And Vix set the recorder up." 

I nod and get up, walking out of the room, and took out a flashlight. " This place is creepy," I mutter to myself as I set up cameras. I explore some more and found a bedroom. It was small and the walls were painted deep forest green. I looked around and decide to put a camera in the bedroom.

The bedroom door closed and I turned around to look at it. " Moxie? Ash?" I call out. The wind blew in from the open window. Wind. Didn't I say it gets windy here? But the News since tonight would be windy anyways so I brush it off. I look through the room and find a picture of two guys. 

One had a staff and looked older. His white hair covered by his straw hat. His black and white robes concealed his body. The other male had long black hair with a green strip in it. He had beautiful green eyes. He worse a ninja gi that reminded you of the Green Ninjas but the color was duller and faded. 

The two had one arm wrapped around each other's shoulder as they smile at the camera. I smile too. The boy with the black hair might be the one haunting this place since Moxie said it was a boy who wanted to prove his father wrong.

" (Y/n)! Are you done!?" Moxie shouted. " Wh- Oh yeah!" I put the picture into my pocket and left the room. I went back to the living room where Moxie had lit some candles but also had flashlights on. " There you are, what were you doing?" Vix asked as I sat down. " I found a bedroom and was just looking around after setting up a camera," I explain.

" Anyways, shall we try the EVP recording now?" I ask, opening up a small bag of gummies. Vix nodded and handed it to me. " You should do it, you're the bravest." " Actually Moxie is but ok." I chuckle and turn on the EVP recorder.

" If anyone is in this house, can you please answer me through this device." I ask before asking the real questions. " How did you die?" I left a small pause for them to answer. " Is it true that you got into an argument with your father then died?" I didn't really know what to ask so I shut it off after that. " Ready to hear the responses?" I smirk and played the recording.

" If anyone is in this house, can you please answer me through this device." My voice came through. Nothing so far. "How did you die?" There was an anguished scream and my eyes widened. "Is it true that you got into an argument with your father then died?" "Wu....." A dark whisper of a voice replied. " Wu? Was that his father's name?" I looked at my friends. Moxie told me to do it again.

I turn the recorder on and asked a couple more questions then played the response. " Is Wu your father?" "Father. Sensei." The same voice replied. "How many spirits are here?" The sound of harsh wind was heard even though it wasn't that windy. I stopped the recording. " Ooook. Well, I think it's time for the ouija board. Maybe we will get more answers that way." I suggest and Moxie plopped the board down. " One step ahead of you!"

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