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Much to my dismay, Morro figured out what the first symbol meant. It meant Airjitzu, whatever that was. He asked me to search up Airjitzu and I complied since he was being nice. There was a scroll of how to learn it, made by Sensei Yang. It was in a library not terribly far but also not close to my house. " We need that scroll," Morro stated. " We?" I questioned. " I-I mean we as in me, my allies, and my master!" Morro corrected himself. 

" Master?" I look at the ghost. " You don't need to worry about her."  "So your somebody's bitch huh?" I laugh and Morro looked unamused. " Anyways, how are you going to get the scroll?" " By you stealing it." Morro copied my emphasis on you. I sigh, " I'm tired of stealing Morro." I look at my laptop once again. " Do I care pet?" 

I whipped my head so quickly to look at Morro that I got whiplash. Morro chuckled and pet my head. " Last thing you have to steal, promise." I cross my arms, unhappy with the nickname. Morro stared at me. I sigh, " Fiiine." I mumble and take out my phone and saw 100 unread messages. Oh no.

False alarm! It was just the group chat going wild. The bad thing is though, I have to go to the library and steal the scroll. I got to the library and looked around at all the monks walking around and reading. The library was quite pretty, so sad I have to steal from it. I looked for the scroll and found it. Except the case which held the scroll was empty. " Um, excuse me" I got the attention of a monk. " Do you know where Sensei Yang's Scroll is?" I ask potlietly. 

" Oh, yes. Sensei Yang will be sorely missed. " The monk began to talk about how harsh Yang was and how he created Airjitzu. I listen patiently but I started to feel like I wasn't in control of myself. I moved without wanting to move. " Where is the scroll of Airjitzu!?" 'I' suddenly shout and grab the monk by their robes. "It was s-stolen a-a few days ago by that thief they call R-R-Ronin." The monk stuttered out. He was scared by my sudden change.

I felt horrible for scaring them so badly. 'I' put them down and ran out the library. Only when I was away from the library did I feel in control again. " The hell was that!?" I shout at no one. Except, I did shout at someone. " You were being too patient! We don't have time!" Morro appeared and scolded me. " Did... Did you possess me!?" 

Morro sighed and nodded. "You're lucky. It's quite hard to possess someone that is the opposite gender. Come on. We have to find out where Ronin lives." Morro said and disappeared. I just stood there confused. " As in, let's go home," Morro said into my ear as my shoulders and hips/waist area felt cold.

I did as Morro asked and went back home. Long walk and it was even longer because people kept stopping me to ask if I was ok. Apparently, my skin was very pale and I looked like I'd seen a ghost. That would be because I did and he possessed me. Morro sighed, I could hear his sigh right in my ear and it wasn't pleasant. " What prince?" I smirk. " People are slowing us down." He complained. " I know but you have to patient." " But I hare being patient." " I can tell." I roll my eyes and felt the cold areas get colder.

I made it home and the cold feeling went away. I opened my laptop once again to research Ronin. But just looking him up on Google didn't do anything so I switched to a different, maybe not so legal search browser. I looked up just the words thief Ronin and got the location of a pawn shop. And maybe also all of his personal information. " I got his store if that's good enough," I told Morro who was currently drawing the three symbols on a piece of paper that he somehow got.

" Good." He simply said. " I also got his full name, family, history, and a whole bunch of stuff." I told Morro who only hummed. I read through Ronins history. " Apparently, he's in debt to some guy called Sultan Archron." I probably said that name horrible but it had Morro look up for a second. 

 " At nightfall, we'll steal it. And this time it doesn't have to be you stealing." Morro chuckled. H knew who this Sultan Archron person was. He smirked and continued to draw. His drawing piqued my interest since it was long enough for him to already finishing drawing the symbols. I looked over and saw the paper with the symbols, but he had another paper that he was drawing something on. I tried to look at what it was but Morro covered it after seeing me looking. The only thing I was able to see though were two happy faces. 

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