Chapter 6 - They Need to Grow Up

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Leo's POV

Y/N was right, like she always is. Everyone on TV was right - your wife is always right, even when she's wrong. But Y/N is always right. Always.

After she turned in for the night and the rest of us were doing our own thing in the lair, I bit the bullet and decided to go talk to Sensei.

Donnie was in his lab, while Raph locked himself in his room and hadn't left for a few hours. I could hear him playing the drums angrily, the cymbals and bass drums leaking out from his room. At least he had an outlet to push all of his anger into.

I passed by Mikey's room, but he wasn't there. When I walked down the hall toward the dojo, I saw Mikey two inches away from the TV watching Crognard the Barbarian. I shook my head a little, realizing that I didn't want Mikey to grow up. I liked him being the little brother.

Sensei sat in the center of the dojo on his knees, meditating silently. The soft rise and fall of his chest told me he was breathing through it, so I sighed in relief. There were days when I couldn't tell whether he was actually meditating or if he'd passed out.

I tapped on the wall, watching his ears perk up as he gradually shifted into a lighter trance. "Sensei?" I whispered.

"Come in, Leonardo."

I walked into the dojo and seated myself in front of him, letting out a breath and resting my hands on my knees. "Sensei, I need to talk to you. It's about the guys."

"Hmm." He opened his eyes and studied me as I struggled to come up with what to say first. "You seem troubled by them."

"Yeah. They-they think you're giving me too much attention, and they're mad at me for all of it." I lowered my head. "I know I've been working really hard and now I'm with Y/N for life, but I didn't mean to push them down."

Sensei stroked his long, thin beard. "You know that your brothers are not maturing at the same speed as you, correct?"

"But Sensei, you can't compare us! We're all so different!"

He bowed his head. "I understand that you have your differences. That is what makes you unique. But when you dwell on your differences too much, that is when you deny the opportunity to grow, to flourish."

"I don't understand."

Sensei rose from the floor using his cane for support, pacing the dojo slowly. "Donatello is too preoccupied with the digital world. He refuses to look around him and live in the moment. Instead, he locks himself away not to find peace or enlightenment, but solace in material objects. He must learn to distance himself from his electronics and truly live as he used to, but grow older from those experiences.

"Raphael angers himself easily, taking everything said to him personally. He spends too much time acting like a child and tormenting Michelangelo when he should be learning new skills, practicing deep breathing, and searching for tranquility. He must learn to let go of his anger and find wisdom in peaceful interactions and friendships, especially with his brothers.

"And Michelangelo refuses to grow up. He does not move forward from cartoons and silly games. He is no longer a child, but he continues to act like a toddler. He must learn to move on from his past childhood experiences and seek new adult experiences in order to grow mentally and spiritually. That is how he will mature."

I sat there for a moment, letting his words sink in. He was right, in a way. All three of the guys just weren't on the same level as me. "But Sensei, that doesn't mean that you should compare them to me. That's not fair to them."

He turned around to face me, placing both hands on top of the staff. "My son, maturity is not something I can control. I can only guide and lead by example to show your brothers what is possible. And you are the best example at my disposal." He bowed his head again. "However, I will consider lessening my approach. Perhaps they are overwhelmed with the same constant message I am trying to send."

"Yes, Sensei, that would be great. Thank you." I stood up, clasping my hands behind my back in respect.

Sensei exhaled slowly. "Do not let them affect you, Leonardo. They still have lessons to learn, opportunities to grow from. Keep them close as family, but distance yourself from their young shenanigans."

"Hai, Sensei."

We both bowed, and I turned to leave the dojo to turn in for the night. But before I left, Sensei stopped me.



"Do not forget: Family is one of the greatest bonds in this life. Do not pass on any opportunity to be with your family, whether great or small."

I nodded. "Hai, Sensei."

As I left for my room, I couldn't help but wonder what he truly meant by that.

Your POV

I woke up the moment I heard footsteps out in the hallway. The room was pitch black, so i couldn't see, but I knew it was Leo finally coming to bed.

The clock on his nightstand, Space Heroes themed of course, read 12:06 a.m. in teal lettering. I stretched out and snuggled under his soft Space Heroes blanket, curling up and sighing. I hoped the conversation with Splinter went well.

The door opened, and Leo's shadow entered the room. I immediately stretched out my arms. "Warmth."

He chuckled as he took of his belt and mask, hanging them into place before slipping into bed. He had really good night vision. I would have been jealous if it wasn't for the fact that I was in love with him.

The moment the bed shifted, I scooched closer to him and rested my head on his plastron, holding him close. He was so good at cuddling. I felt his arms wrap around me and heard him finally exhale.

"I missed you," I whispered.

"I missed you more." God, I wanted this moment to last forever.

I tilted my head up to kiss his neck, the closest spot of his skin to me. "How did it go?"

He rubbed my back in small circles, slowly lulling me to sleep. "Good. He said he would chill out a little, so hopefully things will start to get better."

"I'm glad, babe, I'm glad." His back rub was so good, and man he was warm, and I could feel myself falling. "I love you."

I felt him kiss my hair. "Thank you for being mine, Angel," he murmured. "I can't wait to be with you forever."

Then I drifted off, thoughts of us dancing together at our wedding, me in my beautiful dress, him in his tie, and smiles on our faces, just like we were meant to be.

The Strength in his Soul - A TMNT Leo X Reader Story Part 2Where stories live. Discover now