Classes With The Carrows

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I munched on my toast, staring at the ceiling of the great hall the next morning, seeing nothing but tall, grey clouds looming overhead. I could already see some light drizzle falling onto the glass ceiling. 

Count on weather to lift your spirits. Not.

I had just been reading the stupid Daily Prophet, Where Harry’s face was printed on the front page, under the caption “Undesirable No.1” 

Why I was reading the Daily Prophet, I don’t know. But like Hermione once said: It was best to know what the enemy was saying.

“Hey, Ginny.” a familiar voice said.

I turned to see that it was Neville, stomping furiously towards the Gryffindor table, and sat next to me.

“Good morning Neville.” I said.

“Yeah. ‘Morning.” he grumbled.

“What’s wrong?” I asked. He seemed to be acting a bit odd.

He sighed. “Did you read the notice board recently?” 

“No, why?” I asked.

“We have to take muggle-studies this year. Everyone does. And to make everything worse, it’s being taught by that bitch, Alecto.” he said sourly. “Not only that, Quidditch is banned from the school. Permanently.”

“No!” I exclaimed. Excellent. The one thing at Hogwarts I was looking forward to. I felt stupid for eventhinking that Snape would let us play Quidditch. “You seem to be upset. I never got the impression that you enjoyed Quidditch.” 

“Yeah, well I was sort of…hoping to try out this year.” he blushed.

I smiled at the thought of Neville playing Quidditch; he'd keep falling off of his broom.

“Everyone, please be quiet!” Professor Sprout said loudly, but her voice was drowned out by the sound of so many people talking at once.


I jumped with a start at the sound. Many others had shrieked in surprise or jumped like I did. I looked over at the front of the Great Hall.

“QUIET!” Alecto Carrow shouted.

Her wand had been aimed at the wall, where there was now a large, gaping hole. She had done this simply to get everyone’s attention. I concluded that this woman was mental. But really, weren't all Death Eaters mental? 

Professor Sprout glanced nervously at Alecto, and then continued.

“..Right…you will all be receiving your rule pamphlets in a few moments. You are all to go to your next class according to house in rows of single-file lines,” she said, and quickly returned to her chair at the staff table next to Professor McGonagall.

“Single-file lines?” I said in disgust.

“It’ll be like we’re in auror training.” Neville joked.

A small, dark green pamphlet had appeared in front of me with a pop, as well as everyone else in the Great Hall.

“I swear, I’m chucking this into the dustbin.” Neville groaned, holding the pamphlet in disgust.

I glanced at the large clock on the wall of the Great Hall. If I left right now, I would be right on time for Defense against the Dark Arts class.

“I’ll see you later, Neville.” I said, shoving the pamphlet into my schoolbag and standing up to leave.

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