The D.A Meeting

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It was slightly chilly in my dormitory that night. The window next to my bed absolutely refused to close, so cold autumn breezes were sure to disturb me while I was sleeping. I was forced to do my homework with an irritating runny nose.

I scribbled some random words onto my charms essay with my now worn-down quill. The quill could not stand all the writing I was required to do with it—too bad it was my only quill. Sixth year, as expected, required lots of homework. It didn’t help that I was extremely nervous about the upcoming D.A meeting as well. The nagging thought that we would be found out wouldn’t go away.

I glanced at the clock perched on my bedside table—it was 8 o’clock, and the D.A meeting would take place at 10. 

I sighed, closing my textbook and gathering up all of my books and parchment, and slipped them into my trunk. Apart from the fact I was exhausted, I was nervous. Getting to the Room of Requirement was a task itself, with Death Eaters guarding every corner of the castle. 

Tap tap.

I looked around curiously for the source of the sound, and saw that there was a silhouette of an owl at the window. I rushed to the window helped Errol through the gap, which wasn’t too hard since the old owl was one of the skinniest I'd ever seen.

The ancient owl collapsed with exhaustion onto my bed, wings tiredly drooping. He had a letter attached to his leg, and I untied it quickly, smoothing it out onto my lap. It was from Mum:

Dear Ginny,

I do hope you’re alright. I hope you’re not doing anything dangerous. I know perfectly well that you can be quite reckless at times. I advise you not to do so. Make sure you’re not doing anything to get in trouble. I repeat--do nothing to get you into trouble. 

Your father and I are currently in a state of worry-not like that’s anything new, dear, we’ll handle- his salary has reached a record low. I hope you’re getting decent meals at Hogwarts, as we can’t afford proper food here at home. Please don’t worry, we’ll manage. 

Make sure you’re keeping up some effort in school work; you’ll need all those skills later on, especially in times like these. 

Again, be very careful. I don’t want anyone to harm you for being careless. 

Lots of love, 


I suddenly felt even guiltier than before. Here I was being extremely reckless, not just endangering myself, but my family as well. Then again, I had sworn my loyalty to Dumbledore's Army. This was a risk worth taking, I thought, trying to convince myself. 

I quickly replied,

Dear Mum, 

Everything’s fine, you don’t have to worry about me. The Hogwarts food is fine, and my grades are going well. I’m sorry to hear that you’re so tight on money. 



I knew it was a rushed response, but what else could I say? I obviously couldn’t tell her about Dumbledore’s Army, an illegal organization that would almost certainly get me expelled or killed.

I quickly pushed the thought out of my mind. I had to stop being so negative about the D.A. It was all for the best, no matter how risky it was.

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