The Quest for Gryffindor's Sword

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It was now mid-November, but it had not snowed yet. The castle could really use a bit of joy, particularly the kind snow brought. I was staring absent-mindedly out the large Great Hall window during dinner, reminiscing the times Fred, George, Ron, Harry, Hermione, and I would be having a wild snowball fight, or when we’d all sit in front of the fire in the Gryffindor Common Room, drinking butterbeer and having a laugh. How carefree and distant those times seemed, like it all happened a hundred years ago…

“Hello, Ginny.” Luna said in her usual dreamy tone.

I had not noticed her approach me, so I dropped my fork in surprise. I think the war was making me paranoid. Why did she always manage to creep up on me...? “Luna, I’ve already told you not to do that,” I said, crouching down under the table to retrieve my fork.

“Do what?” Luna asked mildly.

“Never mind,” I muttered.

“Neville wanted me to tell you that the next D.A meeting’s today at eight.” Luna said.

"Why didn’t he just use his D.A coin to change the date on our coins?” I asked.

“He accidentally lost his D.A coin. But don’t worry; I said I’d help him find it.” Luna said serenely.

Typical Neville. Old habits die hard, I guess.

“Okay, thanks Luna.” I said, as I helped myself to some more soup. Luna had returned to the Ravenclaw table, and started whispering to other Ravenclaw D.A members about the next meeting.


Tired and full of food, I was walking in the single-file line of Gryffindors, lagging behind everyone else. I witnessed a pair of Death Eaters using a full body-bind hex on a passing Hufflepuff second year.

Gits. I thought darkly.

The Death Eaters merely laughed at the boy who was helplessly lying on the ground, stiff as a board. They walked away, following the large group of Gryffindors up ahead.

I stayed behind, and rushed to help the small Hufflepuff boy.

“Are you okay? Here, I’ll use the counter-curse, don’t worry…” I said, trying to comfort the boy, who was whimpering.

I muttered the counter-curse and aimed my wand at him, and with a small tap, he returned to normal, sitting up straight.

“Thanks,” he muttered, blushing.

“No problem, now go to your dormitory, quick, before anyone finds you.” I said.

The boy nodded and rushed downstairs to where the Hufflepuff dormitory probably was.

“WEASLEY!” A harsh female voice shouted from behind me.

Oh, no… I thought helplessly.

“What are you doing here alone, girl?” Alecto Carrow barked, spit flying onto my face.

“Nothing…I was going to the, um, the library,” I lied.

 “A likely story, the library’s closed right now,” she sneered.

 Shit, I’m doomed.

“Well, I didn’t know it was closed, thanks for reminding me,” I lied once again. I already knew I was in trouble.

“Look, Weasley. I’m in no mood to deal with the likes of you, so just go take this letter to the Headmaster. If you even dare look inside this letter, I swear you will be Cruciated out of this school, got it? It’s got a charm on it.” Alecto said, almost nose-to-nose with me.

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