Chapter 3: Here comes the Prince

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It's been months since the licensure exam results came out. It came as no surprise to his family and friends that Win placed first in the board examination. Khao and Love also passed the examination and, with Win took their oath as newly minted certified public accountants.

Unlike their classmates and friends who all applied for positions in various auditing and accounting firms, the trio took the law school entrance exam. As expected, the three passed with Win acing the aptitude test with 99 percentile rank. Ever loyal, Win, Khao, and Love enrolled in AdDU College of Law instead of venturing far to the capital Manila.

"AdDU is a top law school, and Davao is home," Win explained when they were still deciding which law school to enter.

The three also passed the UP Law Aptitude Exam (UPLAE), Ateneo Law School (ALS) entrance exam and the San Beda College of Law entrance exam. But loyalty and the comfort of home prevailed, and the trio trouped back to their alma mater for their Juris Doctor (JD) degree.

The three accountants met at the university parking lot, where they got designated lanes. As alumni, they already know that parking would be the most sought after piece of real estate by law students, so they already processed their application upon enrolment, ahead of everyone else.

"Where will be the orientation?" Khao asked the two while they're leaving the car park.

"You didn't read the e-mail from the student council?" it was Love's voice aghast with Khao's oblivious nature.

"I won't ask if I knew," Khao retorted with a mischievous grin.

"Finster Hall, third floor," Win answered, smiling at his two close friends who are about to start their usual bickering.

Using the stairs of the parking building, the trio saw a convoy of four deeply tinted Range Rover cars entering the car park.

"VIP, huh," Love said. "What? Someone is attending here that is more VIP than Win?" It was Khao.

Win gave Khao an annoyed look. The two knew that their best friend is the Duke of Cebu while the whole country is still guessing the new duke's identity since Win's investiture is scheduled later this year.

There were speculations as to the identity of the new duke but the dukedom's staff has successfully kept everything under wraps until an official announcement is made shortly before the grand investiture ceremony.

Win is not excited about the upcoming ceremony scheduled in a few months. He has visited Cebu and the ducal estate a few times since the big revelation that he will inherit the premier ducal title in the Philippine peerage, with precedence with all other nobility except the royal family.

"Could be an important government minister?" Win told his best friends.

After leaving the car park, the two crossed the university courtyard to reach Finster Building. Having no patience, the three skipped the long queues for the elevator service and used the nearby stairs. When they arrived at Finster Hall, they were welcomed by members of the law school's student council and several volunteers.

They met several familiar faces and some batch mates in the undergraduate.

Win had his signature smile and greeted everyone. They settled on the seats third row to the back as they all unanimously hated being in front as those sitting nearest the stage would have the highest chance of being asked questions by the emcee. They know this perfectly given their experience in the undergraduate program.

"Win, why is it that the Duke of Cebu is the premier duke?" Khao asked in a hushed tone, trying to open a conversation while waiting for the start of the program.

"Well, according to Mr. Osmeña, since Cebu is the oldest Spanish settlement, it was the Duke of Cebu that King Andres first bestowed in the Malolos Royal Convention. Hence, tradition dictates that the Duke of Cebu would have precedence over all other dukes and other nobility titles except the royal family." Win explained with a lowered voice to avoid being heard by others.

"Uhm why are we whispering?" Love intercepted, which yielded laughs from Khao and Win.

The attendees started arriving, and soon the venue was jam-packed. It was a small hall which is perfect for the small student population of AdDU College of Law. Its freshmen enrollment is at par with other bigger schools like Ateneo de Manila, but the retention policy is super stringent that only a handful survives up to the senior year.

Win noticed several black-suited men standing near the door at the hall's left corner just beside the stage. They wore dark glasses and had earpieces.

Government VIP eh? Why would a government VIP attend the law school orientation seminar?

These were Win's thoughts when the emcee opened the program. The Dean, a friendly-looking middle-aged man, gave the welcome address. The recent bar examination top placer gave the inspirational message. It was followed by the bubbly and skinny gay guy who is the popular student council president discussing the law school rules and things to expect as freshmen.

When Win thought that the orientation seminar was about to finish, the Dean went to the podium and made the announcement that shook not only the law school community but the entire island of Mindanao.

"Before we all go back to the law school building and attend your first class meetings, I wish to welcome in behalf of the entire Ateneo de Davao University community, joining us for the next four years here in law school, His Royal Highness The Crown Prince Bright Alexander of House Bonifacio." the Dean gleefully announced.

The prince emerged from the door where the black-suited men who Win noticed a while ago. The tall, handsome prince caused some shrill noise from the female students, stares from the male students, and bated breath from almost everyone.

Win was already familiar with the Prince, given the constant coverage he gets from the media. But it was the first time that Win saw the Prince in person, albeit from a distance, and he can't deny that the Prince looked breathtaking.

He has this Bambi eyes, perfect aquiline nose, and his bow-shaped upper lip tempted the young duke for a kiss.

The Dean asked the Crown Prince a few words to address the law school community.

"Thank you, Dean, for that warm welcome. To all members of the law school faculty and staff, I hope you'll be nice to me. And to all my co-students, I wish we all survive what others describe as the perilous journey called law school. Welcome to law school, everyone, and I am looking forward to meeting you call." Bright said with his mesmerizing baritone voice and was immediately followed by a big round of applause.

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