Chapter 11: The Royal Ball Part 1

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It was a fine Saturday afternoon, and Win is sitting at the back of the heavily tinted SUV owned by the Ongpauco family. He shares the ride with Love and Khao, and the three are on their way to the much-talked-about Royal Ball. This was the first time for the three of them.

While Love and Khao are both from prominent Davao families, they are from the business world. Without aristocratic background, it was nearly impossible for them to be invited to a Manila-centric royal event. For Win, we all know that he only discovered his noble ancestry and was basically raised in a middle-class household of two academicians. For being first-timers, the three are surprisingly calm, just excited. It helps that they all got a personal invitation from the Crown Prince himself.

It was a smooth 30-minute drive from the Ongpauco mansion at Insular Village to the imposing hilltop Datu Bago Palace, the official royal residence on the island of Mindanao (the southernmost island grouping of the archipelagic kingdom). Entry to the palace compound is not straightforward. The guests' invitation is scrutinized at the Royal Securities entrance gate via an embedded authentication feature, while guest identification was verified upon a computerized system. They heard from Prince Bright that prior to sending the official invitation, a strict and comprehensive vetting process is already done, including the checking of the background of the purported attendees.

Their car entered a massive courtyard where they were dropped off while their chauffeur-driven vehicle was led into the highly secured car park. The three were then ushered into the main Royal Ballroom, where guests are seated on tables surrounding a circle stage, where the dance will probably take place later that night.

They showed their invitation to the assigned attendant, who is a beautiful girl and is about the same age as them, and she led them to their assigned table. The three simultaneously grinned when they saw Off and Tay already sitting at their table, earning glares and glances from the other guests. It is well known that the scions of the two wealthiest families in the Philippines are best friends with the Crown Prince.

While walking towards their table, the three also gained some unwanted attention from the other attendees, either from aristocratic families, wealthy business moguls, celebrities, and prominent names in politics and the academe. Khao is a cute and charming guy, while Love is an undeniable beauty. But the one who caught the eyes of many is the tall, elegant, and sharply dressed guy whose captivating smile left both men and women breathless.

"Who is that handsome guy?" one woman from the rear tables asked in a voice loud enough for Win, Khao, and Love to hear.

"I haven't seen that guy before. I'm sure of it. You can't easily forget that face." another one said who is seated at a nearby table.

"The gorgeous guy is heading towards the Crown Prince's best friends. Does it mean...?" a gossipy guy's attempt to insinuate a romance rumor.

"Friends of the Prince, I guess. Prince Bright really has a type now?" a middle-aged woman told her friend and covering her mouth with her Spanish abanico while giggling.

Win didn't mind the comments he heard. So this is a glimpse of the burden that the Prince shared with him the other day. Any friendship the Prince makes can easily be blown out of proportion as "dating" or "romance." Win can't imagine how everyone went crazy when it is an actual romance. He can somewhat empathize with Gulf, imagining the discomfort he must have experienced when his romance with Prince Bright went through immense media scrutiny.

"Hey, guys. Glad that you made it." it was Tay greeting them with his usual cheeky smile. "We will definitely have fun later."

"I can't wait for them to start serving liquor. Me being thirsty is an understatement," Off said, which Tay agreed by laughing heartily. Tay's humble demeanor contrasts sharply with his prominent background as the third son of the port operator billionaire Henrique Razon.

"The two of you are really drunkards in the making. I can't still forget how you Off got wasted last time we drank, right after the Criminal Law exam," Khao joined in. "The stench at Bright's living room stayed for weeks."

Off just laughed, partly embarrassed of his antics when he got drunk. The youngest son of the Philippines' richest man has always been jolly and down to earth. His self-deprecating humor makes one wonder how someone from a filthy rich family is this humble and approachable.

"By the way, what can we expect from tonight's ball?" it was Win who has always been straightforward.

"The ball will be officially opened with the Royal Procession, with the dukes who have confirmed their attendance leading the way, followed by the members of the Royal Family, and last will be His Majesty King Alfonso of House Bonifacio and Her Majesty Queen Chalermwan, the Royal Consort." Love explained, which earned nods from Off and Tay.

"And how did you know this?" Win asked the only woman in their group.

"Research, Win. Research." Love said while throwing Win a mischievous smile. "I even heard that it would only be the Duke of Cebu who will not attend among the current ducal titleholders." Love teased Win with Khao doing his best to contain his laughter.

Win glared at Love, who has definitely enjoyed teasing him. Love met Win's glare and giggled while Off and Tay remained oblivious to the secret banter. Win was about to retort when the trumpets suddenly echoed the inside of the hallowed Royal Ballroom, which signaled the start of the Royal Procession.

"Finally," Off said.

Everyone turned their respective attention on the procession of important people who came walking at the center aisle, whose movements are pretty much choreographed under the strict direction of the Royal Privy Council. The dukes are all-male due to the continuous effectivity of the letters of patent issued by the sovereign that only male offsprings or heirs can inherit the ducal estate.

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