april showers, koushi

34 4 41

feb 15 2021

it was raining.

suga smiled, watching her spin on the cobblestone streets of london.

"you're gonna catch a cold," he called to her.

the girl just laughed, pulling him from underneath his shelter. "but i like the rain," she said simply, with a smile.

suga laughed. "you're still gonna catch a cold." he took off his coat, draping it around her shoulders, leaving a soft kiss on her forehead.

brown eyes warm, [name] reached for his hand. "come on!" she said, laughing.

the girl pulled him down the cobblestone path, his tan coat fluttering in the wind. they ran in the rain, drenched and happy.

gold light reflected off the wet road, and somehow, somehow, they didn't slip.

"where are we going?" he called.

she laughed. "somewhere," she said. "anywhere. it's 3 am, koushi, we have this whole city to ourselves. just you and me."

suga smiled. "how about you and me go to a rooftop?"

her eyes lit up, and they slowed to a stop. "that one?" she said, pointing to an apartment with a metal staircase.

suga tilted his head. "it depends."

"does it?" she looked at him.

"mhm. do you wanna get arrested?"

[name] laughed. "that's only if we get caught," she said.

"then let's go."

the two of them ventured up the twisting metal staircase, ignoring the way it creaked and groaned underneath their weight.

water dripped through the cracks in between the stairs, and [name] pulled him to her, blanketing them both under his trenchcoat.

eventually, they made it to the top, finding a dry area to sit. she held out her hand, letting the droplets fall onto it, as suga gently squeezed water out of her hair.

[name] turned, affectionately running a hand through his hair, letting her hand make its journey to cup his cheek. she leaned in, leaving a chaste kiss on his lips.

he just smiled, tying his coat around her shoulders. "are you cold?" suga murmured, wrapping his arms around her.

she leaned into his chest, shaking her head. "no, you?"

"mm, not really," he said. since you're here.

the girl let out a breath, content. the rain was starting to clear up, leaving petrichor, and wispy clouds, scattered across the dark sky.

they both cuddled there for awhile, in their own cocoon of warmth and quiet.

"we should go dry off," suga whispered to her, not wanting to disrupt the peace.

"we should," she said, then hesitated. "but let's... stay here."

suga held her closer. "mkay."

after a long time—or maybe just a couple of minutes—[name] turned to look at him. "you know i love you, right?" she breathed.

his heart skipped a beat. "yeah, i know," he said, just as quietly.

"i love you so much, koushi."

suga smiled softly. "i love you more."

raindrops were on her eyelashes and her cheeks were flushed with pink, the dark sky behind her making her all the more beautiful.

she leaned in and kissed him.

at first it was gentle, but then it grew more passionate and hungry, as if she were searching for him; like if she kissed him deeply enough, everything would be okay.

they kissed under the stars, on the rooftop, each other's lips soft and warm and home.

her fingers were tangled in his damp silver hair, his hands bracing her back, each other's heat seeping into each other.

they eventually separated, breathing heavily, lungs burning, their faces centimeters apart. [name] breathlessly laughed, resting her forehead against his.

"i love you," she repeated.

suga smiled softly. her breath tasted like strawberries.

"i love you more."

🍄   /   author's note !

this was to practice kissing scenes and i dont think i got better um—

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