ocean, marellinh

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march 5 2021

"have you ever been to the ocean?"

i softly laugh. "i've been to atlantis," i say. "didn't go very well, though."

marella smirks, ice blue eyes mischievous. "it's really pretty," she says.

we're walking down a cobblestone path, and her fingers are intertwined with mine. "you're taking me to one, aren't you?" i say. i can feel the pull of the sea already.

she grins. "of course," she says. "but only if you're okay with it."

i'm a little nervous, but i think i'm ready. she sees it in my eyes and playfully bumps her shoulder against mine. "that's my girl."

i laugh. "tam's gonna be so mad that he's not here."

"man's gonna have to take a step back," she says with a wink. "this is our night, baby."

i can tell my cheeks are turning pink. "i mean, it's my first time since a long time by, like, an ocean, so he'd probably wanna be here."

marella just smirks. "well i beat him to it. suck it, shadow boy."

we laugh, and she starts running, the wind playing with the tips of her hair, fresh and cool against my skin. "come on!" she says, pulling me along.

and so we run down the path, holding hands, the sun starting to wash the world in shades of gold.

i can see the sea on the horizon, light glittering at its edges.

"everything good?" marella asks, noticing that my attention's been captured.

i turn towards her. "everything's perfect, mare," i say, and she smiles.


and then we reach the sand, and i almost trip on it.

marella catches me with a laugh. "careful there," she says.

my feet are sinking into it. the sand's.. pink. "isn't sand peach?" i ask.

"we're in some beach in the bahamas," marella says. "i thought you'd find it pretty."

i stand on my tiptoes to kiss her cheek. "it is, it's beautiful. i love it."

"hopefully not more than me."

"about that-"

her lips tilt into a smile. "hey!"

i start running, feet sinking into the rose sand, she chases me. "catch me if i can!" i call, and she's laughing too hard to reply.

the wind caresses my face, and i laugh aloud, just because today has a magical feeling.

i stop by the shore. the sand's a dark pink here, solid and wet. the ocean's calling me. i turn. "mare, there's so much water!" i say, and i can tell i'm smiling really hard.

marella stops at my side. "and everything's okay?" she asks.

i nod.

she cheers, taking my hand and holding it up. "hell yeah!" she yells, and it echoes off the cliffs behind us. i laugh. marella lowers our hands, then looks at me. "you did it, babe."

i beam. "i did."

she catches my lips in a kiss that tastes like strawberries, then laughs again. "tam's punching air right now," she says with a devilish grin.

i laugh. "he probably is."

the sun rises above the horizon, painting the world with its color.

"i'm so proud of you."

i lean into her. "i know."

"now if you don't mind-" she tugs me towards the ocean, and i comply, a smile on my lips.

a wave crashes against her back, spraying me in warm saltwater, and i just can't stop laughing. nothing's funny, i'm just happy.

marella laughs with me, and we journey into the water until we're waist-deep. she splashes water at me, and it's not a fair fight, but i pretend it is, splashing water back.

"the water's so nice," i say with a smile. "it's- it's so blue."

"no, it's green," she teases me.

"and it's warm!" i say. "and it's- it's so pretty! i love it, mare."

she smiles; "i know you do, baby."

i lean in to kiss her, and she returns it, hand bracing my back. she tastes like salt and strawberries and like marella, i love her.

a wave pushes against us, and we go under, the two of us laughing.

i surface first, letting the water push me upwards.

and then marella surfaces, tossing her hair out of her face. "i just realized we're very romantic," she tells me.

i smile. "how so?"

"we're watching the sunrise and going to the ocean. and bonus points- it's your first time!" she looks so proud and excited by this.

"you're so cute," i say, and her freckled face turns pink.

"not as cute as you," she fires back.

i smile. "we're both cute."

"hell yeah we are!" marella laughs again. "i love you, linh."

i squeeze her hand. "i love you too."

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