troubles, writing

27 4 17

"I will cry, please don't test me," I say.

Eka, like the fool he is, only props his chin on his knees and watches me through dark eyelashes. He almost makes me laugh. "Cry if you will," he says.

I begrudgingly smile. "Not in front of you."

"Why not, Ndari?"

Gods, the way he says my name. I don't hear it enough. "It remains a mystery, Eka."

"Fine. What troubles you, then?"

"What troubles me?" I stare at him. He, he troubles me. He's taken root in my brain and has torn everything up into shreds. He makes me want to cry. F*ck love. "Another mystery."

"Oh, come on! Lying to me? I'm too handsome for this," Eka sighs. He flashes me his crooked smile, and I roll my eyes as my heart flutters and bends.

"We're playing this game, then?" I tilt my head. "I'm far too pretty to cry."

"I agree with that," he says. He inspects me. "You and I are both too attractive for society, we should begin our own."

"Should we?" I say. I play with his empty words. "We can have a child and treat them right."

Eka laughs at the connotations of that. "If you wish." He winks.

"From the storks, of course."

"Ah, the storks. Of course, my lady."

"Where else would we get them?" I meet his eyes, a mischievous smile begging to be released. "Is your mind in the gutter today, cintaku?"

He feigns surprise. He is beautiful. "Me? Never."

"That's what I thought." I admire him. "Would you like to know what troubles me?" I ask finally. In the most fond way possible, I want him to know how much he's ruined me.


"You, Eka. You're my concern."

"Am I? Have I done something wrong?" His smile is devilish, he knows what he did.

His nonchalance is annoying, but refreshing. My anger at myself for obsessing pales next to how he takes it so casually. "No less than what I've done to you," I say.

"Well then," Eka says, "I'm glad we're both drowning in this."

I roll my eyes and laugh. "Wouldn't have it any other way."

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