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AN: if you just happened to click on this cause you saw it said "bath" expecting smut, SORRY IM NOT DOING THAT RN- also- totally not making this while chillin in the bathtub drinking a chocolate shake- ╰(*°▽°*)╯ n e wayz- on with the story (this totally wasn't made kinda for fujisaki63194  

Third person:
Tsukishima was sitting in the bathtub watching it slowly fill up while occasionally looking down at his book. He had an annoying interference with the king earlier and yamaguchi wasn't home yet, saying how he was out with Hinata. (First person that came to mind- don't kill me-) About 20 minutes passed and the tub was filled up while tsukki was reading.

Less than seconds later yams came bursting in yelling. "TSUKKI! TSUKKI TSUKKI TSUKKI O  M A GODDESS- TSUKKI!" He was jumping up and down completely ignoring the fact that his boyfriend was in the bathtub. Obviously not clothed.

Yams POV:
After coming home I noticed tsukki wasn't in his room, the living room, kitchen, etc. so of course he's taking another bath- so I burst in practically screeching; "TSUKKI! TSUKKI TSUKKI TSUKKI O M A GODDESS- TSUKKI!" Yes I knew he was in the water- undressed- reading- with extremely defined features due to the water- but that's unimportant. Maybe-. He looked up at me then back at his book muttering an answer. "To loud. What?" I could practically see his annoyance but I didn't care cause I'm awesome 😒

(can you tell I like yams more- yes? Thought so-)

"soRrY- I just wanted to see your reaction- it was as expected though." He rolled his eyes at me- THE AUDACITY G O D. "Either get out, or get in and shut up" he said still not looking up from his book.

Tsukkis POV:
"Either get out, or get in and shut up." I said, I could practically hear him smile. He's so annoying. Sometimes. A few moments later he was sitting infront of me, back facing me, watching the faucet drip warm water. I sat my book on the ground next to the tub as he turned around smiling like the idiot he is. "How was yoooouuuuurrrrrr day?" He asked still smiling. "King. " I said coldly and his face dropped, he went from smiling to looking completely numb. "Hinata said tobio was being pissy today." He said glancing down at the water ripples. "Well No shit Sherlock. He always is" I said annoyed. "Whatever- anyways. Other than tobio how was your day? Mine was great! Me and Hinata went to a park and chased geese- well he did I ate meat buns." "It was okay- I guess. Glad you had fun"
He smiled at me. Okay he's not always annoying- sometimes he can be adorable instead.

(Not me not knowing what to do after this part- I'll come back at 1am or sum when I have motivation—— is 10 sum Rn-)

Third person:
Another 20 or so minutes passed and they were still in the bathtub, tsukishima had closed the shower curtains.(The good ole shower n' bath-)Yams was laying against Tsukki as he read his book again. Their position was quite comfortable for both males, tsukishima pressed against the edge of the tub/wall, legs spread with yams in between them, his back against tsukkis stomach. Bubbles surrounded them due to yamaguchi being the childlike god he is. It was silent, a warm silence, quite welcoming and comfortable. 'Till it was broke by yams bursting into a giggle fit, the result of tsukishima setting his hand down on his knee. Which was right next to yamaguchis hip. It wasn't intended but that was conveniently one of yams many ticklish spots, which of course the blonde male knew.

"Awh shush." Tsukishima said quietly, still focusing on his book. "I-pFfT- B-HfHpfT-" he responded, being interrupted by his own laughter.
Like 5 more minutes passed and tsukishima was all pruny and his fingertips looked like raisins. They got out of the tub, yams sat on a towel that was placed on the floor by tsukishima a few minutes earlier. "Did you even wash your hair at all tsukki?" He asked looking up at a somehow dressed kei, minus his shirt. "No, didn't need to" he responded turning around shaking his hair dry and looking down and the smol boi, which returned the eye contact hesitantly. Out of nowhere he was picked up, wrapped in his towel, and sat on the sink counter.

Yams POV:

Once I was sat on the counter, which in my opinion was cold on my ass- Thank you very much, tsukki started drying me off with the towel. HoW sWeEt. Y'know it would be sweeter with his di- hm? What? You- nope totally not thinking bout him fucking me senseless-. (Yo heLP- my radio is glitchin out or something and I unplugged it then plugged it back in yet it's doing the same thing-) I guess I was visibly red from my thoughts sense tsukki spoke up after drying my hair. "Are you okay yams? You look red." He said checking my forehead, to see if I had a fever. Which I didn't. Just major simp disease-. He was staring at me- was I really tHaT red- ah. "Are you going to answer me-" he shifted his weight and leaned back crossing his arms. I shook my head 'no'. He looked annoyed, "No what." He said. Not gonna lie he's intimidating. "'No' im not "o k a Y'" I said putting air quotes around 'okay'. Now he looked slightly worried, more annoyed than worried, but worried.
He than picked me up and carried me to his room, yet we lived together I still had my own room cause I have to many stuffed animals and tsukki says they're obnoxious. He sat me down on his bed and turned back heading towards my room. A few minutes later he came back with a dinosaur onesie, it was green and had an additional little tail on the back. He tossed it next to me and closed the door, though we lived alone-.

After I got dressed he walked over to his desk, closed the curtains, turned off his LEDs, grabbed his headphones and sat down on his lil "gaming chair" as he called it. Leaving Me over here sitting all alone on his bed- leaving ME. I mean that's not unbelievable- we are talking about tsukki but stiiilllllll I need attention as much as his animal crossing villagers do. So being all mad and shit I got up and walked right over to him. Wanna know what I did? Guess what, I

Sat down. Right there on his lap and blocked his view of whatever the hell he was doing. No way it could be more important than me. "Really tadashi- " he said looking at me as if he were about to burst out laughing. I ignored his comment and slid my legs around his waist, taking his headphones off. "Yams- " ignored him again and added my arms around his neck. "Tadashi let me play my game." I again ignored him and started playing with his hair. "God yamaguchi get off." He said clearly faking be annoyed- if I were anyone else I'd be fooled and think he was actually mad. But I've been with him so long now that it's easy to tell. So of course I continues being a bitch, and lifted myself off of him a bit only to sit back down. He rolled his eyes and flatly stated "You're being annoying. What do you want." I sighed and finally spoke. "Where are the glow in the dark makeup markers-?" He looked up at me then leaned forward, holding me up with one arm so I didn't fall back, grabbing a small box with a bunch of glow in the dark stuff. "K! Thank you. Now c'mon get off your game and come pay attention to me." I said grabbing the box from him finding a green glow in the dark makeup pen. "Why?" He said looking me in the eye as I opened the marker taking the cap off and tracing where I thought my freckles were on my face, then adding little dinosaur foot prints on tsukkis cheek.

"Why-" I cut him off by kissing him- god he talks so much. MoOd kIlLEr. As annoying as I am at least I don't talk all the time. Tsukki on the other hand won't shut up. Always making a snarky remark. I then pulled away and grabbed his led remote deciding to really make the pen on our faces glow, with a dark blue led light. "Can I play animal crossing now . - ?" He looked at the remote in my hand and then back at me. "Whatever-." I said kinda hurt. After all that, me trying to get him to pay attention to me. All that. He still wants animal crossing more. The nerve. I got up and walked out of his room to Mine, still holding his led remote.

Tsukkis POV:

I heard him walk away- to his room I guess. Well shit- he took my remote- god damnit tadashi. I got up and Walked to his room only to see him on his phone, texting our group chat with the rest of the team I suppose. Though we are now all in college or whatever is next for them most of us keep in touch, sadly. "Can I have my remote, tadashi" I made it so that the "i" in tadashi was more emphasized. He looked up to me and his smile faded to a blank stare. "Mhm. " he said handing me the remote then went back to his phone. Seconds later I got a text from... yams. That said 'No attention today? Wow the king really got to you, kei.' How dare he just drop my name like that- no "tsukki" no nothing. Just "kei." I looked at him only to see him  and his smirk sitting right there on his bed, looking up at me. So I walked away, back to my room, ignoring him. "Idiot."

ʏᴇᴀʜ ᴛʜɪs ɪs sʜɪᴛᴛʏ ᴡʜᴀᴛᴇᴠᴇʀ- 1720 ᴡᴏʀᴅs- ᴜʜ- ɪᴋ ɪ ʜᴀᴠᴇɴᴛ ᴜᴘᴅᴀᴛᴇᴅ- ʙᴜᴛ ᴜʜ ʀᴀɴᴅᴏᴍ ᴜᴘᴅᴀᴛᴇ- ʏᴏ ᴡᴇʟᴄᴏᴍᴇ- Ʀᴀʏ ᴅꞮᴅ Ɪᴛ- ʜᴇ ᴅꞮᴅ Ɪᴛ ɴᴏᴛ ᴍᴇ ʙʟᴀᴍᴇ ʜꞮᴍ

K bai

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