10.Feelin' way too damn good

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William is on his second glass of champagne and he's been here only 10 minutes

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William is on his second glass of champagne and he's been here only 10 minutes. He hates his father's big mansion, his beautiful garden and crispness of his suit tailored to perfection, likely in a high end London tailor's shop.

The place he grew up in is enormous. White moldings decorated the sides of the building, and dark stone clad the walls in a simple, elegant manner, three sash windows wide and three stories high, it just screamed wealth and fame and history. Walls inside are covered in paintings, maybe hundreds of them, old and new, his father is pretentious like that, have to own pieces of art that have famous signatures on them.

The huge mahogany table takes up most of the vast space the dining room offers. The walls are covered with shimmering wall paper and in the middle of the ceiling above the table is a candelabra. The polished silver cutlery shines brightly in the late afternoon light. At each place stands a tall empty wine glass and there are beautifully folded napkins.

William doesn't want to be here.

How many times had he gone home for Christmas or birthdays, only to sit quietly and zone out while everyone got drunk and talked about topics he had no interest in. Everything about this house reminds him of his relationship with his father and also of the fact that his mother, the only person he cared about in this house isn't alive anymore. He does love spending time with his sister, and misses her constantly but his uncles and aunts together with their children not so much.
It's Charlotte's engagement party and if it wasn't for his sister and her special day he would probably not show up at all. He's still jet lagged from his flight from New York yesterday and now he has to sit here and try to avoid his father. And Nina. Luckily the weather is lovely in Surrey today and drinks are constantly available so he thinks he will manage with that help.

"You might want to slow down babe, it's your second glass already and the food's not even out."

No, she won't count his glasses of champagne, he's not a teenager and she's not his fucking mother, he thinks while downing the glass looking straight into Nina's big dark brown eyes. Wearing an elegant, pale beige pantsuit with a string of pearls at her neck she smiles uncomfortably not letting anyone at the table know how upset she actually is. She's an actress after all. William doesn't care, he is enjoying this. In the last couple of weeks Nina did manage to piss him off more than usual.

Just when he thought he was a master of his thoughts fate takes a new turn. Emotions come taking him somewhere different to the place he had expected. It's beautiful and has gorgeous blue green eyes and soft dark hair yet he is afraid because it is all new and his heart beats all the harder.


There's something about him. When he sees him enter the backstage room, his loose hair falling around his shoulders, slight pink tinge to his cheeks, t-shirt wet from the sweat clinging to his body. His eyes are regarding him with a mild interest. He realises then that he has to talk to him, be close to him. Watching his mouth, the shape of it and the tone of the voice that escapes it doing things to him. Confusing him, making him blush. A beauty spot sits just below the corner where his lips meet.

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