19. Lover, please stay

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"Man, are you ok? You look like you've seen a ghost?"

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"Man, are you ok? You look like you've seen a ghost?"

Sam shakes Lennon just after he comes to the bar. Air is getting thinner in this place, it is hard to catch a breath, he wants to get out in the fresh air but then realises he can't because William and Nina are there somewhere. So he decides to go to the bar.

"I think he snorted something dodgy in the bathroom." Nate says almost casually, "What did we tell you about doing lines with strangers Len, you can't trust they will have good stuff, remember the gig in.."

"Shut up Nate, I didn't take anything," Lennon growls. "But I sure want to now."

"What happened?"Jorja comes close, pushing Nate away and grabbing Lennon's arm.

"He went after her. I need a drink."

He says with a shaky voice, not looking at any of his friends. Bartender is pouring him straight gin and he can't wait for the hard liquor to soothe his dry throat.

William told him they will try, whatever that means.

That he cared about him, whatever that means.

Not that he needed words, because William's body told him so much more than words have. But then Nina saw them in front of the restrooms and at first he didn't even register her. He was so happy, his brain became cotton candy and everything sweet in the world. He fell to his knees to try to make William stay, it was desperate, he could've never believed that he would ever go that low, that he would beg on his knees for love. Literally.

But he begged, and William said they will try. Since that moment, Nina wasn't in the picture from Lennon's perspective. So seeing shock on her face, her eyes rigid, narrowed, cold, he didn't care. At that moment Lennon knew that he was the enemy. But it doesn't matter, in this war called love, everything is fair.

He doesn't want to surrender, this feeling is too important to let go, and he will fight for it.

Lennon most definitely didn't plan on Nina to see them in action, his only goal was to get William away from her for just a moment, because she just wouldn't let go of him the whole evening and it was driving Lennon insane. It just escalated from there. His only thought was that he just won the battle. He gets to be with William. But when Nina ran away and William ran after her, Lennon's confused mind realised one thing - he might have won a battle, but not the war.

"Hon, you need to slow down on the booze." Jorja is concerned. "Come, let's go home and we'll talk about it, whatever it is I'm sure we'll figure it out."

"I have to talk to him, not you Jo. But he didn't come back inside. " Lennon downs another drink, letting the liquor burn his throat and stares desperately at the entrance. It's been half an hour, maybe more, he can't take the uncertainty. So he takes his phone out of the pocket and starts typing a message. He doesn't know what he wants to write and when he does it's dumb, his drunk mind is blurring his vision, typing words is a task he can't complete. Next thing, he's calling William's number, walking away from the bar into the more quiet area so he can hear better. Pickuppickuppickup his brain is impatient.

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