Katsuki Bakugou

16 3 0

A/N: I'll put whose POV it is as the title of the chapter, it won't be in any particular order.

You know how in those really cool action movies sometimes the main character will have to sit in a room with a dead body or have a skeleton land on top of them and they just say a sassy line and move on. It's not that easy in real life. 

First of all, a dead body smells horrible, no matter how little the amount of time it's been sitting there for. 

The shit and piss that comes out of the body when it's dead is something they don't show on TV, and when that body is lying on top of you, you're covered in it. 

Dead bodies are heavy, not that I'd tried to move the one laying on top of me for hours, I've been too frightened the remaining rubble from the hotel we were staying in is going to shift and crush me with every shake of the explosions going off in the sky.

My eyes refused to open, I couldn't look my cousin Camie's twisted and broken form in the eyes like that. I'm not ready to move, not yet. The splitting screams she unleashed just hours before was enough torture for sometime now.


...goes the cannon watch the blood and the shit spray and


...goes the cannon, we're abandoning Kips Bay, and

It's unorthodox, I'm positive, but when you're stuck in a shitty situation where you have to count the amount of times a bomb goes off, I'm sure you'd start to use Hamilton lyrics too. It was only two this time and they seemed farther away than the last round. 

This body on top of me became suffocating in the next couple of hours? Minutes? It couldn't be days, the sun hadn't gone down yet. Not that I'd be able to tell with me eyes closed. The heat was too much, it was sweltering and the wetness on my pants from Camie's shit and piss and her drool landing in drops next to my ear. I had to get her off. Now.

I tried going gently, but she wouldn't budge, damn her giant tits. I pushed harder and when I shoved her up I heard a cracking noise and my left arm was engulfed in more heat, as liquid rushed down my arms I snapped my eyes open, hoping it wasn't what I knew it was. 

My mouth opened in a earsplitting scream as I came to face my hand through Camie's ribs, fingers touching the insides of the only person I had ever been vulnerable around. 

I flung her body to the side and twisted around to heave and gag and heave again, ridding my body of any food I had put inside earlier that day.

Every time I looked back at Camie I could see her sunken in eyes, that were shut, thankfully, her pale skin and chapped lips with small bits of drool still dripping out I turned back around and threw up some more. I once watched her go through a Rigor Mortis and almost wished I had died in her place. 

The way Camie's body lays, head twisted back at an angle it shouldn't from how I threw her, body twisted and a hand sized hole where her liver should be carefully encased in her naturally beautiful tan skin.

When I finally stopped heaving I collapsed beside my vomit and closed my eyes, nose wrinkling from the smell mixing with Camie. No. Not Camie. Dead body. If I think of as Camie I'll puke again. I quickly remind myself.

You can't die here. The voice in my head speaks.

Oh yeah and why not? I cockily ask back before almost hitting myself, you don't talk to voices in your head, stupid!

Because if you do, she would have died for nothing, you would have killed her for no reason. You would be a monster.

Okay. Fine. Bitch. I slowly rose, wincing and the pain in my leg where a rock must have landed. I looked up at the dark grey sky and forest that was the only direction I could go without seeing Ca- the Dead Body. So I started slowly shifting my way out and in that direction.

"Don't look back," I muttered to myself as I pushed my ash blonde hair out of my eyes once again. "Don't you fucking look back."

A/N: Phew, that was a lot harder than I thought it was gonna be!! I had a rough draft of this out and had to edit it really hard because it wasn't descriptive enough. Anyways, like i said, if theres any errors please feel free to correct me!! Have a good day/night/morning!! 💞💞

(P.S. Next up is Kirishima.)

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