Chapter 1

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Today is the first day back to shield high, and Tony Stark was dreading it. I mean why should he have to wake up early to go to school it's pointless! He doesn't learn anything he knows it all!

The 3 reasons he goes are to see his friends, to get away from home and to see Nat. WAIT NO! Scratch the last one. She included in friends nothing special. He totally didn't think she was cute.

Oh screw it she was HOT AS FUCK, but she could be very very scary. Tony met his first best friend in kindergarten, Bruce banner, they were science buddy's! Then in 1st grade some bullies came up to him and knocked him to the ground taking his lunch. They ate it all but then Nat came to the rescue, she scared the boys off then helped Tony up. She couldn't get his lunch back so she shared hers with him and they became besties! Then not long after she introduced Tony to Clint and they got super close they were as close as family.

The closest Tony had to family...

It was 6AM and Tony's alarm went off to loud for his liking. He reached over and fumbled searching for the alarm until he finally got pissed and threw it across the room. Not like he couldn't fix it or buy a new one.

And he tried to go to sleep but he didn't thanks to Nat. She knew what Tony was like so she found afew ways to wake him. She had also slept over in a guest room as Tony's parents were on a business trip again.

First the alarm, he ignored it, so she got DUM-E his robot to try but he somehow still didn't wake. So he got some clothes on and went to Tony's room barging in.

At her voice he shot up falling out of bed.
"Good, your up now get ready" she left Tony's room to get ready herself, letting Tony complain away.

After they both had a shower(SEPARATELY), got dressed and got everything they had to pack. Luckily Nat had brought her stuff to Tony's. Although she basically lived there. She had afew cases for school as they lived in dorms. But she also had her stuff in the guest room so it was now only used by her. And her stuff was just all over the house in general.

She walked into Tony's room to find him sitting on his suitcases trying to zip them up. "Need some help?"
"Nope I got it Nat." He grunted.
She laughed as he couldn't do it and gave up.

She wakes over to his stuff and easily zipped it up leaving him gawping at her. "How-."
"Magic!" She said sarcastically.

The two went downstairs and Jarvis was in the kitchen making pancakes as it was their first day. Tony reached for a pancake but Jarvis slapped his hand away making Tony pout like a child.

They ate breakfast in silence while watching some Netflix then the time came. It was 7:30 and school started 8:30 but they had to pick up their friends first and then drive all the way to school.

"Hey Tones what the hell is that?" She pointed at a box labelled
Tony's shit he shrugged and went to open it. Inside were childhood toys and stuffed toys. And right infront of him was his skateboard! He hadn't skated in afew months as he was off in his lab most of the summer.

"Woah you skate!?" Nat asked.
"Sometimes why"
"Being it to school! Clint loves to skate and I can not as good but I'm decent!" After a bit of begging he put it in the trunk along with nearly all of his other belongings.

Tony got into the drivers seat and Nat rode shotgun. They were the only ones with cars but Nat decided to leave hers at home, it was a nice black fiat. Although one of her doors was grey because it had been taken clean off after hitting a lamp post -totally Clint's fault- anyways Tony had a whole collection of cars, well they were his family's cars but he still used them from time to time.

The car ride was short to get to Clint's and Bruce's and they sat the back. The drive to school though was long, on the way they blasted AC/DC as loud as they could and sang, no screamed along to it. Fun!

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