Chapter 4

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The next morning Steve woke up and saw that only Bruce was awake. Tony and Clint were enjoying their sleep. Tony's alarm went of but he just threw it smashing the wall.

Bruce added a point to a tally on a whiteboard. "What's that?"
"The one on the left is how many times he breaks his alarm clock, the middle is how many times he sleeps through his alarm and any other protocols we make and the third one on the right is where we have to call Nat in." Bruce replied smiling. This actually made Steve laugh.

Next thing he knew DUM-E was trying to wake him up but Tony ordered him to go away. Nat came in and poured ice cold water on Clint making him scream out. "AH WHAT THE HECK NAT!!" He says up in bed shaking from the cold.
"Time to wake up der"
She walked over to Tony who was still asleep.

"Wait before you wake him up"
Clint got up with a pen and drew a goatee on Tony. It actually looked good on him. Clint laughed as the pen was permanent so it would last afew days. Then he got a dart and threw it at Tony. It hit him in the butt and Tony still didn't care he pulled it out throwing it back at Clint.

Nat sighed at the foolishness then shouted.
"TONY WAKE THE FUCK UP" while shaking him violently. This made Tony jump in shock and fall out of bed. "What- where the fire?" He asked groaning.

"Nowhere get ready you're gonna be late." He didn't complain and went to take a shower. Nat went back to her room.

Steve decided to make breakfast for everyone as a friendly gesture.
When everyone had gotten dressed and everything they went into the kitchen to find pancakes waiting on the table.

"Wow who made these?" Tony said. As soon as Clint saw them he threw like 5 on his plate and scarfed them down.
"I did" Steve said coming out the corner. The boys all said thanks.
"These are really good" Bruce said.

The door of the dorm had a letter box so they went to check and inside were their timetables.
Bruce and Tony had science first but they had to be separated because of what they can do together with science. Steve had art! His favourite subject, he loved drawing and painting. Turns out Clint also had art with him so Clint showed him the way.

The art classroom they were in was at the top of a set of spiral stairs. It was actually really cool and when you got to the top and opened the door, the classroom would be full of light because of the roof, it was a huge window. Steve was amazed and loved it already. There was art hanging off the walls and everything, paints and equipment scattered around it was a dreamland for Steve.

Steve took a seat next to Clint and they had to make a poster, seemed fun. The rest of the lesson went pretty smooth and Steve stook with Clint for the rest of the day as they had the same lessons.

~time skip to lunch cuz I'm a lazy bitch :)~

Tony walked into the cafeteria which was full of students. He had his own lunch thank god I mean who knows what's in that stuff the school makes!?? He started walking to his usual table and saw his friends there calling him over.

He sat down next to Clint and Nat, but noticed on the other side of Clint was any other boy. He took another look and it was Steve.
Tony doesn't know why but he just doesn't like him, he doesn't trust him... but he decided to keep quiet.

"So tones you got your eye on anyone yet?" Clint asked while stuffing his face with food.
"Nope not yet"
"What about you Nat?" She took a second to think about it, now that she did she kinda did have a small thing for someone...
"Oh uh- maybe..." she started blushing mad. Wanda who was sat opposite her squealed. "OH MY GOODD!!!"
"What? Wait did you read my mind..." Nat said to her.
"Yep" she said popping the P.
"WANDA! Fuck you can't tell anyone! I swear if you do I will fucking kill you!" Wanda knew how serious Nat was when she threatened people.

"Don't worry I won't tell a soul!" She then looked at Tony and smirked. Everyone except Steve and Nat knew he had a crush on her.

"Ugh I gotta draw a male body structure for art like what the fuck!? She wants me to stare at some guy then draw his body??? Plus i swear nearly everyone here is a stick"
"Oh! you can come to my basketball tryouts after school its in the gym like nearly everyone there is muscular!" Tony said.

"Since when do you play basketball?"
"Since Nat forced me because of the incident"
"So what other sports are there?" Steve asked

"Football and soccer thats about it because of SOMEONE" she said eyeing Tony
"I said im sorry!"
"What happened?" Steve had no idea what was going on.

"Ok so Tony's dad Funds all the schools in Manhattan, including our rivals Hydra High, And he also funds our school. Last year TONY did something and they got into a small argument then his dad pulled out the funds from our sports department and well now he only funds other school needs you know. so thats it unless you wanna be a cheerleader"

" I still dont get why you're making me play basketball"
"Because ive seen you play you're really good"
"Yeah and you need to go out and about more you cant just stay cooped up inside tinkering. tell me how many suits do you have?" Bruce added

"Uhh 15?"
"As if"
"OK FINE 146!"
"what you asked?"
"No but seriously Tony thats alot I- when do you even have the time to do all this?"
"i dont know i just do"

They finished lunch and went to their next lessons. Nat, Tony and Steve had science together so off they went to get their books while the others split out.

Nat came out of her dorm while next door Steve and Tony came out with science books in their hands.
"Tones have you got your pencil case?"
"You sure?" He nodded. "What about... your little kit?" He again nodded but sent her a look as if to pipe down.
Little kit? What where they talking about, what's a little kit? Steve had afew questions in his head but his thoughts were disturbed when his bladder all of a sudden felt like it was gonna burst.
"Hey I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick I'll catch up." He said heading to the little boys room.

"Meet you guys there" he called over his shoulder.
Tony and Nat continued down the hallway when some tall guy in a red varsity jacket gave Nat's ass a tap. When Tony saw this oh boy he was NOT happy.

"Hey!" He said turning around with Nat. He walks up to the boy and shoves him into a locker.
"Don't touch her!"
"Or what" the boy laughs and gets up before grabbing Tony by the collar.
"Let him go" Nat says.
"I'm not scared of a chick" he snickers.

"Listen dork don't touch me ever ok?"

"I won't as long as you don't touch Nat you perv" he says and punches the guy in the face making him drop Tony.

"Ow! Hey!" He pounces at Tony but luckily Tony rolled out the way and tripped him up.

Obviously almost everyone was recording and chanting, "FIGHT! FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT" or something.

"Oh your gonna pay for that" he kicks Tony hard in the stomach making him double over but not fall.
Tony growls and pounces on top of him then starts pounding the guys face, punch after punch after punch.

The crowd had gone wild.
"Tony Stop!" Nat screamed.
But he didn't stop until they started rolling over and both took hits everywhere in the end, the bully's friends had all dragged Tony and locked him in a locker.

Howard was not going to be impressed if this got out on social media...

"Cmon Obie we better go before a nark or something gets here"
One of 'Obies' friends help him up and they walk away.

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