Chapter 3

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The five of them made their way to the hall where students were piling in from all directions it was a bit of chaos. Principal fury was on the stage waiting for everyone to settle.

Most of the friends got separated but Nat and Tony were together. Just as they found the others a group of jocks came and shoved Nat not seeing her. Tony saw this and leaped to stop her from falling so she was now in his arms. He was blushing and was as red as a tomato.

*tonys pov*
She was in my arms staring into my eyes and I couldn't help but blush, shit stupid body. She started laughing then got back up.

She grabbed my hand her soft skin against mine and dragged me to the empty seats next to Clint. She let go when Clint gave us a weird look and smirked.
Then fury started talking. He had his usual trench coat on but his eyepatch was no longer black. It was pink and glittery! We both looked at Clint who was snickering he just shrugged innocently. We all know he loves pulling pranks. We always get into prank wars but poor Brucie has to sit out, he may have the bracelet but holding Hulk in for to long or if he gets really really angry/stressed is bad for him so we don't include him, he doesn't approve anyways.

"10 bucks mr pirate calls you up at the end." I whispered. And well we shook on it.
"Good morning students. It is good ah who am I kidding I don't really care but this year we have some new students, Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson and Peter Parker, I hope you treat them with respect. I haven't really got much to say so here are the rules. Boys and girls can't mix, you can't leave your dorms after 9pm unless it's an emergency or something, you are allowed to leave the campus, there is a strict no bullying rule, please away from labs A33-A44 thanks to *cough* Mr Stark and Bruce banner *cough* two students there has been an explosion with a deadly gas exposure. I'm not really sure what else. If you are new or don't know the rules there should be a list in your dorms and yeah you may all leave now. Wait could Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff, Bruce Banner, Thor Odinson, Steve Rogers and Clint Barton come to the front please?" With that we stayed seated until everyone had left and then we walked up to him. Clint passed me $10 groaning then I said, "what's up Patchy?"
"Mr Stark I would appreciate it if you don't call me by any of your ridiculous nicknames, especially pirate."
"Sure thing patch"
"Ok so you 5 have been selected for a special program you will be part of a group called the Avengers, it's only you 5. It's like a superhero group there are already afew around the campus but the board has decided you all ready get along and you are all pretty extraordinary, so you are now a group, emails and letters will be sent when needed until then go back to your dorms or whatever.

*idk who's pov*
Everyone had gone back to the dorms Nat still with the boys. Steve was sitting on his bed drawing then he glanced over at Tony who had a bunch of holograms and tech stuff. Then a picture of Steve came up on the screen.

"Hey uh what are you doing?" Steve asked. Tony didn't reply so Bruce did.
"He's doing a background check on you, see he doesn't trust people apart from us really, he has trust issues due to his past." He said it in a hushed tone so Tony wouldn't hear.
Tony closed it and went to grab a small cube then sat on his bed tinkering for a while. Steve was now reading a book when DUM-E, one of Tony's bots, came up to him with a smoothie in his claw. *beep, twirp, beep boop* he made some robot noises and thrusted the smoothie into Steve's hand.
"He wants you to try the smoothie he made it for you" Tony said not looking up from the cube.
Steve took a sip and surprisingly it wasn't that bad it was actually nice.
"Wow this is actually really good uh thank you"
The bot cheered in a way and went around in circles happy. Steve laughed at this, Tony had made it so DUM-E was like a real human sort of.

He finished the smoothie and went back to reading. Every few seconds he caught the other boys staring at him but thought nothing of it.

They all ate dinner at separate times when it finally struck 10pm. For Steve this was pretty late. He looked over at Clint and Tony who were shouting over mario cart, and Bruce who was reading and watching them.

He was never gonna get any sleep luckily for him he had noise cancelling headphones. He got dressed into a white shirt and plaid pyjama pants when he looked up and saw the others also getting dressed. Tony had just come out the shower, he had pyjama bottoms on leaving his top half bare. Steve could see the arc reactor clearly now, it was literally embedded in his chest meaning he had a hole in his chest with metal stuck inside of it... but he also noticed afew other things, Tony had a Shit load of scars on his body, mostly around the reactor but quiet afew in other places. When Tony's back was facing Steve he saw long lines, some looked fresh and others really old. They looked like... whip marks? Then Tony put a shirt on so he couldn't see anymore scars.

Steve tried to forget about this but he couldn't. What type of past does Tony have? Was he tortured? Abused? Self harm? What the hell happened to him?

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