Chapter 3

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"So, found anything?" asked Annie, breaking the man out of his gaze. "Yeah, a beef sandwich and a piece of apple pie. You?" "Well, yeah, I'm taking the chicken sandwich and one strawberry cheesecake. Do you like cheesecake?" "Only the bottom part, the cream is too sweet for me." Answered Brain. They both talked and laughed, until the waitress came with their food.

After enjoying the meal, both of them said goodbye to each other, before separating paths. While waiting in traffic, Annie felt a vibration in her pocket. It was her phone. Answering it, the girl heard the squeaky voice of her best friend Tiffany. "OK, quit the talk Annie, who was that guy you went on a date with?" Being confused, Annie just answered. "What guy?" "The one you went on a date with today." Pausing for a second, the girl blushed, realizing It was Brian Tiffany was talking about. "One, how do you know that, and two we weren't on a date." "Ok, so I was walking on the streets. Then I turned to a restaurant to see inside the windows if me and my date could eat there and saw you and some guy. And by the way, you and that guy are getting married." "What!? No way, I only know him from some students film I'm acting for!" "You're still getting married!" "No, we aren't." "Yes, you will." "NO!" "YES! Ok, got to go, bye." And with that her best friend left her.

Laying on her bed, Annie started to think about Brian. She enjoyed the time with him and hopped to see him again. His charming hazel eyes, you can get lost in any time. His beautiful smile. Wait, what was she thinking? She can't fall in love with a guy she just met. Who knows what he actually is? Maybe psychopath, that will manipulate her and rape her. Suddenly she heard a "Ding!" coming from her phone. Lazily she grabbed her phone from the bedside table. It was another E-mail from Alex.

It's about an acting meeting at Brian's house. Thankfully, Alex send which adress he lives. It said the meeting will be tomorrow at 1 pm. The girl put her phone back down and went to her desk. (Ok, so it's the exact same house like the one in Welcome back.) She still needed to design a poster for her art and visual graphic project.

After doing the design for the poster which took three and a half hour to do, the girl looked at her phone for the Time. It was 10 pm. Annie took a deep breath, she was exhausted and tired, but it's better to finish shit earlier. So she just has to bite the bullet.

Looking at her phone, it read 1 am. The girl didn't have any enegry left and just let herself drop on the bed.


Waking slowly from the licks of a cat, Annie slowly opened her eyes. In front of her was big ass white maine coon named Lucifer. The cat started meowing, probably because it's hungry. "Luci, laisse maman domir!" the adult groaned, as she stretched and slowly got out of her warm bed. "I'm going to miss you, warm bed, but my son needs me." Looking at the closet for something. She took a black turtle neck, some blue jeans, a beige knit jacket and some jewerly.

Brushing her hair, the girl noticed that she needs to dye her hair. Looking alright, the girl she just sprayed at bit of her signature perfume all around her, before going to the local bakery.


Annie was walking to Brian's house for the act. Brian seem to live in a nice neigbourhood. There were gardens with colorful flowers and beautiful statues. Outside on the porch, waited Brian for the little woman. After some minutes waiting, the female finally came. "Seems like you got alex's E.mail?" Said Brian with his iconic toothy grin. "Yeah, so where are the others?" asked the chic. "They're inside. I'm just outside, just in case you don't know which house it was." "Oh, thank you. I hope, you didn't wait long." "Oh, don't worry." ressured the male. "Come on, let's go inside."


I'm soooooooo sorry for not posting. As we all know, school is a pain in the ass. Hope you had a wonderful day and stay safe.

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