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Chapter 5

I had been living with in Mount Olympus with my mother for two months. I was horrified to discover that my mother had left the Earth without harvest during my absence. Since my return however the Earth flourished more than it ever had before. Not a second went by without my mother by my side. We were as one. I resumed my duties as protector of marriage, blessing the peplos of the girls and women about to be married.

My mother had recently discovered that she was to have another child, a child which was conceived whilst she were in form of a mare. Unknown to my mother at the time, Poseidon had taken the form of a stallion and forced himself on her. Of course, she was devastated and furious, she had been violated in the worst way, but as with any child, it is a blessing, and she now accepted her pregnancy and was actually looking forward to having the baby. I was too, I had always wanted a brother or sister when I was younger and living on Earth.

Since I had come back here I spent a lot of time with my peers, Artemis mostly. Whenever I had came to Olympus as a child we had been good friends, but I missed my nymph friends from Earth, I hadn't really given them much though until now and I also hadn't heard from them at all since my return. I decided one day that I should go to them, of course I would be bringing my mother in tow with me, but I doubted she would mind. She knew I had something on my mind the day she found me, sat on the balcony that over looked the Earth. My mother had always been able to read me like a book, no matter how hard I would try to hide my feelings she knew. "Something troubles you Persephone?", she had asked.

"No. Well, its just that I would like to go to Earth for a while, just to see my friends", I told her honestly.

"Oh Persephone. They are nymphs no more. When I learned of their lack of intervention at Enne, I cursed them. They now inhibit the islands, Sirenum Scopuli. That is now where they chant, and lure people with their singing. It was done in a moment of anger child.".

"Everyone has a destiny mother. That must have been theirs", I reasoned, trying to ease her of her guilt. I did believe this though, everybody does have their own fate, mortal and immortal, the Moirae are the ultimate deciders in that.

Days went by, and although I didn't want to admit it to myself, I found my thoughts drifting to Hades. The time I had spent with him had shown me another side to him. he was handsome, there was no disputing that, not in the same way as Apollo and the likes, but in a dark, seductive kind of way. I had never noticed it before, the time I had spent in the Underworld I couldn't even bring myself to look at him. But now I felt like I actually missed him. Having thought it over, maybe he would be a good husband to have. Maybe that's where I should be. Am I supposed to be his Queen, maybe the voice of reason in his Underworld? Maybe I was, maybe that was my destiny.

Beautiful music filled the Gardens of Olympus. The sweet melody ricochet off the surrounding marble walls. Apollo sat by the door of his chamber, playing his lyre. Occasionally I would catch him looking at me. Each time our eyes met we both blushed. Beauty and light radiated off of him, this was who I should marry, I was foolish for even considering Hades. The Gardens were busy today, sat with me was Artemis and the three Graces. Many others filled the Gardens, including my mother. Athena came bursting into the Garden, accompanied by Hermes. "Demeter, there is word that Hades comes for Persephone. Zeus has called a meeting of council immediately", then she turned and headed back the way she had came. "Do not worry Persephone, he will not touch you". This was said by Apollo, who had been the first to reach my side. I tried my hardest to smile at him, but the tears were already welling in my eyes. I felt the warmth of his hand slip into mine, and clasp reassuringly tight. My mother came to us then and pulled me toward the door, "you shall come with me", she said as we made our way to the council room.

The room was in silence, each of the Olympians were in their seats, awaiting the arrival of Hades. I stood to my mothers side, this was the very first time I had been allowed presence to a high council meeting. My heart pounded and sweat beaded my forehead. I tried my hardest to keep my breathing in control . I could feel eyes on me and I scanned the room to locate the source. The eyes were the colour of cloudless earth skies. The eyes of Apollo. The blood rushed to my cheeks and he shot me a flirtatious smile. The door opened to the hall, and all eyes were on the dark silhouette that lingered there. "Hades, come in", Zeus commanded.

"Zeus, I have brought some company, I hope you do not mind". He said coyly. He moved aside to reveal the women waiting behind him. He bowed to them as they strode passed him into the council hall. "Welcome Moirae. Hades, what is the meaning of this?". He sounded angry now.

"I've come to take my queen back home, Zeus", answered Hades calmly. Everybody turned to see Apollo jump from his seat and shout, "this has been settled in the court already Hades!". Ares rose to his feet also and commanded him to leave, "you have no claim here, leave now". Through this all, Hades had a smile on his face. "Brothers, sisters, is it not that if one should eat food from the Underworld that they should be condemned to remain there?"

"It is", answered Zeus.

"Well, my Persephone did eat during her stay". He looked straight at me, along with everyone else in the room. "I did not eat anything that you offered, Hades!". I had intended it to come out as a shout, but it was barely more than a whisper. I turned to my mother, my voice stronger now, "I have ate only part of the pomegranate you sent to me". Her face turned ghastly white and I knew what she was going to say before she even said it. She grasped my hand and told me, "I did not send anything my child". I looked back at Hades, then Zeus. And then I passed out.

Persephoneजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें