jungle trouble

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Once again holly was stuck studying. Sparrow was down stairs with max and chomp doing who knows what. All she knew was max was feeding sparrow stuff she wasnt supposed to have along with chomp.

It was too hot in her room and she didn't understand why magic training was so important if she was going to be put in school, she already knew she was more advanced for her age.

That was more to magic ability than skill, her instructor often complained she lacked focus and motivation, magic came easy to her so why try so hard right? Well wrong according to professor young.

Maybe going to school might not be such a bad thing if it meant she could leave her room more. She felt trapped in here.

She huffed and rolled out of her upside down, half on, half off the bed position and went to go get a drink.

She got to the bottom of the stairs just in time to see max slip into the cupboard under the stairs, holly shuddered. "Max what are you doing?"

"Shhh, you'll ruine it!" He whispered.

Then chomp and sparrow came wandering into the hall way with rex, ace, zoe and Paris following. Chomp went to the cupboard the started scratching at the door.

Max opened the door and smiled "yes! Good boy chomp u found me!"

But chomp pushed past max and headed for the bag of dog biscuits behind him. Rex chuckled "or he found the food"

The group laughed and holly picked sparrow up as she too went for the back of dog food. "No sparrow, its not dinner time yet".

The dino squeaked unhappily from her shoulders but stayed put.

"Actually max, I need to talk to you about that"

But max had already walked away following the smell of burgers their mum was making for dinner.

"Max!" Holly whinned.

"Well like master like dino" zoe laughed.

Whilst their mom made sure max didn't eat dinner before the right time rex, zoe and holly was distracted by the Beeping of there dino holders.

"Hey there's a new dinosaur!" Holly cried in relief.

"Looks likes it's coming from the amazon rainforest" rex said pointing to the red dot.

Even better holly thought time ti get out this sun and room.

The group made their way to the lab and found doctor taylor waiting for them.

The man sighed as the kids made there way to the platform.

"Ah, the amazon rainforest the largest forest around, I wish I could go"

Holly looked down guiltily at her dino holder as max sighed "you say that every time dad but you can't"

"Just leave it all up to us doctor taylor!" Rex cheered.

Their dad sighed before straightening up and pulling out a bag from a cupboard behind him.

"Alright you'll need this for big bites, this for stomach ache, this for parana and"

The list came to a stop with fresh breath spray for bad breath, holly wondered why they would need that but enjoyed seeing max struggling to hold all the little things.

"Here max" zoe handed him a backpack and he put all the little spray bottles and pills in.

"We should go before the alpha team get there before us" rex said glancing anxiously at the dinor holder.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2022 ⏰

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