finiding your dino

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Dr Taylor was anthropologist and he was currently at a dig in Egypt with Dr Owen who at the moment was introducing his son to the art.

Max was facinated with the dinosaurs and so was rex, the two had become friends.

They were having a spot of lunch when a small shadow burst from the bushes, swiping maxes lunch and trying to dart of again.

"Ag hey that's my lunch" max cried and rex jumped at the girl. She tripped and landed ina ditch.

she screamed and curled into a ball and cradled her arm.

Dr Taylor slid down into the ditch and picked the small child up, she looked to be about 3 years old.

She was shaking in fear and pain, it looked like her arm was broken. She was a scruffy little thing that looked more like skin and bones, she was clearly starved.

Dr Taylor took her into the medical tent whilst dr Owen took care of the other young boys.

"Hello there," he whispered gently as he began to put splints on her arm, she whimpered. "Whats your name"

The girl looked into dr taylors eyes seeming to search his soul.

"My auntie just called me freak"

Dr Taylor eyes widened and he turned away to hide his hate

"Really erm and where is this auntie?"

"She left me here"

"Oh, well I cant just leave you here"

He handed her a sandwich and his hat.

"How would you like to come home with me and max"

"But dad she stole my lunch"

"And that was very wrong but sometimes max, other people need what we have more than we do, sharing is caring and all"

"Oh all right" the child replied sitting next to his new sister and handing her a bit more food.

5 Years later, rex, max, holly and zoe (a friend they had made along the years) were racing through the near by woods.

Holly and max were in the lead zoe behind and rex trudging in last.

Seeing rex fall behind and the adopted siblings tearing a head, zoe fell back "any idea why they made us miss breakfast?" Zoe asked

"Come on you two pick up the pace"

Suddenly behind rex and zoe was holly as she put an arm around a shoulder each "there was an astorid come through here last night, were looking for what ever fell from the sky"

Then she was gone, appearing next to max with a small pop.

"Holly! Your not supposed use your freaky powers!"

Holly turned to him in anger "not a freak!" She pushed him over into a tree with a hole in the base.

She huffed and disappeared with a pop. Max rubbed the back of his head, zoe glared at him before she took of towards the sound of the resounding pop.

Rex reached max and helped him up "why'd you do that max, you know your sister is sensitive about her powers"

The small group knew all about Holly's abused past. In the 5 years her  powers were obvious and dr taylor and Aki had gone looking for a professional on the subject and had found professor Young.

Professor Young was around 60 years old, was very powerful and very wise. He had seen Holly's power and had started training her in control.

In the 5 years even with a tutor holly still had trouble controlling her magic and had accidents like the time she had almost burnt down the house in a temper tantrum.

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