battle in Egypt

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After that dino battle with chomp and the t-rex the children were back in the D lab messing around with the stones.

Reese, zoes sister was doing a study with them. And was showing the kids their new dino holders.

"So.. anyone wanna talk about the fact that t-rex can swim?" Holly asked

"Or how about the fact it went after max and turned into a card" rex added

"Or the old lady?" Zoe also added making them giggle

"How about we talk about the dino holders?" Reese said demanding attention "there's one for each of you and they carry your dino cards and stones"

The 4 dino holders were passed out as soon as they were all holding them they began to glow and voices were heard.

"Help us" "please help us"

"Please" "help us" "can you help us"

The 4 kids eyes widened and holly dropped hers. Scooping her dino she hugged her tight to her chest

"Is everything ok kids?" Dr taylor asked

"They were asking for help" zoe answered


" the dinos"

" from the stones?"

"Yeah, but how do we help?" Max asked

"Maybe they want protection from that old lady"

"Quite possible" dr taylor replied he would be lying if he said he wasn't worried. If only he had a dinosaur holder maybe he could protect his kids.

Reese passed out a few more things like a giant book "these are the dino manuals, please read them thoroughly"

"Wha?" Max said

Rex stared at the book in curiosity and holly knew if there was one person who would read it, it would be rex

"But this will take all year to read!" Max complained


"Yeah! Look, you might like spending all your time studying but some of use like to have fun, maybe try it some time!" Zoe ranted at reese who looked on in amusement

Holly flicked through the manual and blanched "erm, reese half the pages are blank"

"Not much is known about your discovery, the pages will be filled in as you go"

"Fair enough"

Holly put her dino holder and manual in her bag. She had a few other things to study and think about to.

According to her magic teacher, the government had finally been informed about her and wanted her to go to school. The closest one to her was all the way in England, called Hogwarts. What kind of name was that.

Professor gave her a few brochures about schools and a few parent and students reviews. According to a muggle born parent hogwarts wasnt very welcoming to the muggle borns and was bad with bullying. Not to mention it was a boarding school and with what was going on with the dinosaurs she couldn't afford to go to England.

It would seem these new little friends came with extra responsibility, they now had a race of exstinct animals to protect and she would have to be ready to leave on the dime.

Of course if the government decided to pull anything, there would be little she or her parents could do about it.

She had yet to talk to any one about it yet and her professor was going to come round later to talk to her parents.

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