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Wanda and Legolas came out from behind the trees, suddenly a voice startled them

"Legolas" Someone called Legolas Legolas turned to see who the owner of the voice was

"Tauriel" He replied

Tauriel approached them "why did you suddenly disappear? Where did you go?" Tauriel asked

"I'm going somewhere" Legolas answered simply Tauriel then glanced at Wanda sharply, she saw Wanda from top to bottom "and who is she?" Tauriel asked

"She's my friend, I went to get him" Legolas tried to lie

"Friends? I never knew you had friends outside of Mirkwood, especially a human." Tauriel glanced at Wanda sarcastically, which Wanda replied with a sharp and defiant gaze.

"Not everything I have to tell you, Tauriel. I also have my private life" Legolas then pulled Wanda's hand and took her away "come on"

Tauriel's face depicts shock after seeing how Legolas treated her

   Wanda and Legolas have arrived in a room "This is my private chamber. It's Better you stay in my private chamber than in the guest chamber" Legolas then closed the door.

Wanda looked around "so ... Tauriel ..." Wanda turned and looked at Legolas "I know you have feelings for her" Wanda then gave Legolas a mischievous smile Legolas face flushed

"Ho ... How ... How did you know?"

Wanda chuckled "I told you in my world you and Middle Earth are a book and a movie. So I knew who you were before you even l introduced yourself " Wanda then crossed her arms and glared at Legolas.

"Then, what do you know about me?" Legolas challenges Wanda

"You are Legolas Thrandulion, your name means greenleaf, you are king Thranduil's son, the king of Mirkwood, which means you are a prince, and you are also a good archer, and a swordsman, your grandfather is king Oropher." Wanda chattered.

"Woah" Legolas said incredulously 'Knock ... Knock ...' suddenly a knocking sound was heard at the door "What is it?" Legolas answered

"Dinner is ready, my prince. The king wants me to summond you"

"Okay I'll be there. Give me a time to get ready"

"Of course, my prince." There was a sound of footsteps leaving the door

"I'm going to have dinner, and for a while you better stay here. A servant will bring you food and clothes for you to change and clean up. And there" Legolas points to the end of the room "there is a room where to bathe and wash up if You want to bathe "Legolas then went to the door, before he opened the door, Legolas turned towards Wanda again" after the servant I told brought food and clothes for you, just lock this door. I will not come back until tomorrow "Legolas explained firmly

"You don't need to worry, I can take care of myself" Wanda replied

"Are you sure?" Legolas asked doubtfully

Wanda then raised one hand and played with her fingers and emitted a red light from her finger "remember this?"

"Well alright, I forgot that you ..." Legolas scratched his head awkwardly "alright, I have to go" Legolas then slammed the door

Wanda laughed amused "in the movie they don't show that he's as funny and innocent as this" Wanda whispered to himself.

   At dinner, Legolas ate his food blankly, and king Thranduil realized that "What is wrong with you?" The king asked in a cold tone

"Hem?" Legolas woke up from his reverie "oh ... Nothing" he replied

The Elvenking glared at Legolas for a while. "Alright" he then sipped his wine again "how about the forest?" Elvenking asked again

"As usual" Legolas replied curtly "and the spiders?" Elvenking asked again

"There are several, but they can be overcome" Legolas replied

"Are you sure you have nothing else to tell me?" Elvenking asked again, this time giving Legolas another deadly gaze With a flat face Legolas answered

"no, my king."

WANDA IN THE MULTIVERSE OF MADNESS BOOK 1  (FINISHED) Where stories live. Discover now