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Wanda was walking around when she bumped into Tauriel. Wanda rolled her eyes because she didn't really like Tauriel, while Tauriel looked at her with a cynical gaze. Wanda passed Tauriel without seeing her face

"Maybe you look like queen Callenwen" Tauriel began "but to me you are not my queen"

Wanda walked back "did I ask you to think of me?" Wanda glared at Tauriel "I don't want and have no interest in becoming a queen. That title means nothing to me"

"You are too close to princes and kings. What is your mission?" Tauriel asked again

Wanda then glared at Tauriel "You like him, right? The prince?" Wanda said with a smile

Tauriel widened her eyes, her cheeks flushed red "I ... No ... It's not like-"

"Never mind" Wanda cut in "You don't need to worry. I don't like him that way, I'll leave soon" Wanda then patted Tauriel's shoulder "I just felt  like I want to protect him, that's all" Wanda then smiled and left.

   An army of men had already broken through the main gate of Mirkwood. and seen the elven armies blocking them

Legolas ran forward but his hand was pulled by Thranduil "where do you think you want to go?"

"I will help them, ada" Legolas answered

"No. Get out of here, they want you" Thranduil commanded

"No! I won't risk their lives just to protect myself!" Legolas snapped

"Legolas. Go, me and Dr. Strange will help here" This time Wanda spoke

"No! I will-" 'DHUAR!' Before Legolas had time to finish his words, there was a sound of quite a large explosion.

Wanda turned and saw a flash of purple light "it's Agnes!" Wanda said "WATCH OUT!" The purple light was about to hit them all, but Wanda swiftly formed a shield with her power. She then turned around and tried to hit Agnes. Wanda then turned towards Legolas "GO!" She snapped at Legolas

"No!" Legolas argued

Wanda then shot a red light at Legolas and made him bounce towards the guards "take him!"

The guards nodded and dragged Legolas into the palace

"He such a stubborn!" Wanda said irritably

"He got it from me" Elvenking said as he gave Wanda a small smirk. He then went ahead to fight the enemies

While Wanda was looking for Agnes, who suddenly disappeared, Elvenking is battling an army of men. One of the men tried to shoot him, but was thwarted by Strange, who struck him with a flash of light.

Elvenking looked at him with an incredulous face. "You, is in your world a witches and wizard like this?" He asked

"Eeeh .... Long story, I'll tell you later. Maybe at tea time"

Elvenking raised an eyebrow and gave a smirk towards Strange

Legolas ran with five soldiers, until suddenly they were intercepted by an army of men. "Give the prince to us and you will be left alive" They said

"No!" The Elves soldiers immediately advanced and fought. Only a split second the elves troops died because they were outnumbered. Legolas swiftly took his sword and stepped forward, he clashed with the male soldiers, but because of his weak condition he was overwhelmed. In fact, he looks in pain and still holds the area where he was injured. Legolas was blown forward and his sword flew from his hand. Now the men approached him slowly smiling with satisfaction

"They said the elvenking's son was the strongest. But you turned out to be nothing more than a kid." That man mocked

Legolas retreated slowly as the men approached him. Suddenly an arrow pierced the head of one of the men. "Prince!" Tauriel shouted

"Tauriel!" Legolas said in shock "Come here!" Tauriel quickly showered the men with arrows

Legolas ran towards Tauriel but suddenly a purple light hit Tauriel and knocked her away

"No!" Legolas shouted, he tried to run towards Tauriel, but suddenly a rope made of the same purple light caught his neck and made him suffocate.

You can see Agatha is in the back holding the rope "Ckckckck .... It's very hard to get to you, prince" Agatha pulled the rope tighter, she then hit Legolas with her power and made him faint.

In the battlefield, the men suddenly retreated. "What is this? Why are they retreating?" Elrond asked in confusion

"I have no idea" Wanda answered, hitting them with her red light. He then paused "oh no! .... Elvenking !!!" Wanda shouted for Thranduil, he then flew away and left Elrond to find Elvenking

Elrond looked up when Wanda flew away leaving him alone "bloody red witch from the future" Elrond grumbled

"Elvenking!" Wanda frantically called out, she joined Thranduil's side to help kill the men "What is wrong?" He asked

"They are retreating, there must be something. We have to find Legolas." Wanda kept hitting the men

Thranduil widened his eyes "my son! What happen to my son Maximoff!" Thranduil said frantically

"We have to find him now!" Wanda ordered

"How? There are still too many men here" Thranduil asked as he continued to slash his sword

"Urrgh!" Wanda grumbled. She then closed her eyes and opened them again, her eyes turned red, and she flew upwards quickly, and quickly she landed which made all the men bounce.

Thranduil looked at Wanda in horror and admiration

"Come on!" Wanda then hit Thranduil with h red light and made him fly, he then joined Thranduil. "Where do you think he is?" Wanda asked

"Aaah ... I ... I guess ... He's in a palace, near the dungeon" Thranduil's voice trembled, because he's not used to flying "oh valar ..." He prayed silently.

They landed smoothly at the front door of the palace, Wanda slammed the door open "come on" They ran in, suddenly the situation became even more silent

Thranduil stopped his steps. "Wait" Thranduil prevented "There should be guards here, where are they?" Thranduil whispered

"Maybe they joined the war" Wanda tried to think positively

Thranduil then took Wanda's hand and stood in front of him. And covering Wanda with his very tall body "stay" The two of them then walked slowly, Thranduil didn't let go of his grip. Instead, he grasped Wanda's hand tighter. Ahead, they saw a pile of corpses of elves, but their eyes were fixed on one elf who was still moving

"Oh valar. Tauriel!" Thranduil ran over to Tauriel

Wanda held Tauriel's head "what happened?" She asked

"She ... She ... The witch from the future, she has brought the prince." Tauriel answered haltingly, coughing badly.

"Oh valar" Thranduil sat down limply

Wanda opened Tauriel's tunic and saw that there was a purple light that still stuck to her chest "this would be very painful, but it can help" Wanda explained.

Tauriel nodded as a response

Wanda then brought her hand closer and emitted a red light. The red light sucked in the purple light that clung to tauriel's chest

"Aargh!" Tauriel shouted After the purple light disappeared, Tauriel became even more relieved

"We must bring you to Lord Elrond" Thranduil said

WANDA IN THE MULTIVERSE OF MADNESS BOOK 1  (FINISHED) Where stories live. Discover now