Chapter 10

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All Rights Reserved
(Copyright: hxrryluvx)

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When I woke up I saw Ashton sitting next to me smiling. "Hey Vick." He says. "Ash?" I question sitting up. "Yeah it's me I'm sitting right here." He coos. I breathe a sigh of relief. "What time is it?" I ask craning my neck to see the clock. "It's nine o'clock." He says. "Is my mother here?" I ask him. "Yes would you like to see her?" He asks softly. I nod my head as I lay back down. He quickly exits and my mother comes in.

"Oh my poor girl." She says and runs over to me, tears in her eyes. "Hey mama." I reply hugging her. "I came as soon as I got the call." She says letting me go. "I'm okay I just spilled some coffee on myself and another car hit me." I say trying to calm her down. "I'm so glad your okay. When I got the call I thought, I thought you might be..." She looks away and a tear escapes her eye. "Oh mom. It's okay, I'm okay. It was just a minor accident he wasn't going fast." I reassure her. "Alright well you need to rest. Today had a lot of impact on you. I am going to go out to the cafeteria and get some food for me and Ashton. Is that okay?" She asks me. "Yeah mom go ahead he is probably starving." I laugh a little thinking of Ashton's gigantic appetite. "Okay hun get some sleep." She says kissing my forehead. She leaves and I am left to my own thoughts.

About five minutes after my mom leaves I hear someone crash through the door. "Maddi?!" I ask surprised. "Vick! Are you okay? Are you hurt? Oh my god you broke your arm!" She says flustered. "Whoah whoah whoah, slow down. I'm okay. What are you doing here?" I ask sitting up fast which makes me dizzy. "I got in my car and drove to the airport and go on a plane down here as soon as your mom called me." She says smiling. I laugh and take in the sight that is my best friend. Her brown hair is in a messy bun. Her mascara is smudged from flying and she is wearing sweatpants and a hoodie. "You're crazy Maddi." I say laughing once again. "I know but I would do anything for you Vick. Plus I was worried you were gonna die or something." She adds jokingly. "Wow thanks Maddi." I say rolling my eyes. "So what did you do to land yourself in the hospital this time?" She asks pulling a chair. "Haha." I say. She smirks at me and I stick out my tongue. We both laugh. "No but really what happened?" She asks seriously. "Well I was sitting in my car sipping on coffee.." "Of course such a white girl." She interrupts. I glare at her. "... So I was drinking coffee and I spilled it on myself. Then I wasn't paying attention and another car hit me. It was my fault." I say twiddling my thumbs. "It's okay Vicky I'm just glad you're alright." She says hugging me. "Yeah it's nothing major just a slight concussion and a broken arm. That's what the doctor told me at least." I say. "Okay. Well that means that you can go home quicker. I hope you can still go on the Save the Children organization." She says. "I'm going whether I can or not I will literally run away from the hospital." I say. She laughs. "I'm pretty sure you can go. Just try not to hurt yourself again between now and spring break please." She says putting her hands together as if begging. "I can't make any promises, you know how accident prone I am." I say laughing. "Just be extra careful then." She says smacking my arm. "I'll try." I say laughing.

For the next hour or so me and Maddi stayed and talked about everything. I told her about Australia and how everything was so cool. And of course I told her about Ashton. "I need to meet this Ashton!" She declares. "Well he was here before you came in he is probably still I'm the cafeteria or..." The door opens and none other than Ashton steps in. "Hey Vick how you doing?" He asks. Maddi widens her eyes at him and mouths to me 'is that him?' I nod my head and she gives me a look of approval. 'He's hot.' She mouthed. I laugh. "Who is this Vicky?" He asks motioning to Maddi. "Ashton this is Maddi my best friend, Maddi is is Ashton my..." I hesitate not knowing what he is. "Her boyfriend, I'm her boyfriend." He confirms. "Nice to meet you Maddi. I've heard a lot about you from this one here." He says gesturing to me. I chuckle. "Nice to meet you to Ashy." She says laughing. "Oh you heard about that?" He says laughing. "She told me everything." She says giving me and amused look. "Yeah i did." I hope that's okay." I say nervously. "If it's okay with you it's okay with me." He says sweetly kissing my cheek. I blush. Maddi gives us a look saying that she thought we were adorable. "Well I will leave you guys to it then." She says getting up to leave. She gives me a quick thumbs up. And walks out of the room.

After Maddi leaves Ashton is standing there looking at me while I look at my fingers. "Why are you staring at me?" I ask looking up. He chuckles. "It just amazes me how even when you are in the worst shape possible you are still beautiful." He says making my heart skip a beat. His words make me melt like putty in his hands and I scoot over and pat the side of the hospital bed for him to sit. He sits down and takes me into his arms. "I didn't know we were dating." I say pulling away to look at him. "Whadya mean?" He asks. "You told Maddi you were my boyfriend yet you never asked me out." I explain. "Oh. Well Vicky will you go out with me?" He asks. I smile. "Why would I say no." I say as I poke his dimple. That's where it happened. In this small little hospital bed in this small little hospital. In the middle of Sydney, Australia just the two of us. And I wouldn't have it any other way.

Hey there :D

So he finally asked her out after like... 10 chapters!

I had so much fun writing this chapter and I'm sorry if there are any mistakes I was on a plane while writing this. You know turbulence and all that stupid atmosphere stuff :/

Anywhooooo thank you for reading my book! It means a lot!

Picture of Vicky in a hospital bed in the pic tagged. :*( poor Vick.

Don't forget to VoCo! And if you can please follow me!

Lex :D

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