Chapter 14

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(Copyright: hxrryluvx)
All Rights Reserved

aѕнтon'ѕ pov

When I woke up I immediately grabbed my phone and texted Vicky.

*Hey Vick I had a great time yesterday. You up for lunch later?* I sent it and waited for a reply.

*I had a great time too Ash. Yeah I am up for lunch. :3 how bout 1:00?* she replied

I love how she uses those cute little faces. *Sounds good. I'll see you then. ily.* I sent.

*ily2 <3* She replied which made me smile.

I got up and got dressed and headed downstairs.

"Mornin dad." I said

"Hey Ashton. Got any plans for today?" He asked making breakfast.

"Yeah I'm going out to lunch with Vicky." I said.

"You've been spending a lot of time with her lately. Did you ask her to come on the tour with you and the guys?" He asked.

"Yeah she can't come." I said feeling the pang of sadness.

"Oh why not?" He said taking the bacon off the stove.

"She is going to Syria to help with the Save The Children Foundation." I said my sadness quickly being over taken by proudness.

"That is awesome! I knew she was a great girl from the first time I met her." he said slapping my back. "Good choice son."

"Yeah yeah." I said shrugging his hand off.

"You want some breakfast?" He asked.

"Nah I'm good I'm gonna run to Luke's house real quick. We need to talk about the tour." I said tying my shoes.

"Okay." he said.

"See ya dad!" I called as I walked out the door.

"Make good choices!" I hear him yell as I shut the door.

I laugh and shake my head. My dad ladies and gentlemen.

I get in my car and head to Luke's house.


When I pull up to his house I knock on the door.

"Hey Ash." he answers.

"Ready to get your plan on?" I asked laughing.

"You know it." he said letting me in.

"I ordered a pizza it should be here and minute." He says once we go down to the basement.

"Yes pizza." I exclaim.

"So how's Vick doing?" He asked eagerly.

"She's doing fine." I say anxiously.

"Did she ever say anything about me?" He asked surprising me.

"No. Why would she?" I asked defensively.

"No reason." he says quickly. Too quickly.

"Listen Luke you need to back the hell off. She is mine okay. She will always be mine. So find someone else." I say sternly.

"Ashton you know you think that your all that. That you'll always get the girl. How do you know that she didn't admit that she had feelings for me when I went into her hospital room huh? How do you know she didn't kiss me just like she did at practice a few weeks ago." He challenged.

"She doesn't have feelings for you. She loves me. She wouldn't kiss you again because she has no feelings for you." I yell even though hearing him say that she told him she had feelings for him hurt like hell.

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