Chapter 16

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He's so perfect oml. ^

(Copyright: hxrryluvx)
All Rights Reserved :)

aѕнтon'ѕ pov

I lost her.

I can't believe she walked out like that. She was everything I ever wanted everything I ever dreamed of and I screwed it up.

I'm so fricken stupid! Why did I have to do that. Goddammit if Joanetta wouldn't have been there then this would have never happened.

Actually if I had just been a man and talked to Vick I would have never had sex with Jo in the first place. Damn. I'm stupid.

"Oh sorry." I say as I bump someone when I am walking out of the coffee shop.

"S'okay." I here a voice slur.

I look up and see none other than him. Vicky's dad.

"Hey aren't you that kid that was with my daughter?" He asks obviously drunk.

"What's it to you." I spit. He is such a repulsive person I can barely even look at him.

"Did you leave her too? I wouldn't blame you, both her and her stank ass mother are bitches." He laughs slapping my back.

"Shut the fuck up!" I scream as I punch him in the face.

"Shit man." He says holding his face. "The hell was that for?" He groans. I sobered him up a bit with that punch.

"I'll have you know that I love Victoria and I would do anything for her. Unlike you obviously. I hope one day you are sitting on the street thinking about what you've done to her and her mother and I hope you wanna die for it because you are a disgusting person and you don't deserve to know people as great as Vick and her mom." I spit getting in his face.

"Whoah come down bruh." He laughs.

"Asshole." I mumble as I walk away.

"Tell the two stank asses I said hello and good the fuck bye!" He yells to me as I walk down the street.

I flick him off and keep walking.

I need to find Vicky. I need to tell her everything from start to finish, and I need to get her back in my arms where she belongs.


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By the time I got back to my house tears were streaming down my face.

"Hey Vick where's the- holy shit what's wrong?" Maddi asks rushing towards me.

"I'm such an idiot." I blubber.

"What happened tell me everything." she says as she leads me to the couch.

"Ashton, he completely betrayed me." I say quietly.

"What did he do?" She asks hugging me.

"We had a fight and then 3 days later he fucked some other girl! And then he asked me to come down to the coffee shop to talk to me and to get me back and she was there! I mean seriously?" I scream angrily.

"Bastard." she spits.

"I just don't know what-"

"Vicky!" A voice bursts through the door.

I look to see who it is and I let out a sam squeal.

"Ashton get the hell out of my house!" I scream hugging my torso.

"Victoria please. Please let me explain I'm begging you." He says desperately getting on his knees.

"She doesn't want you here fucktard go away." Maddi snarls.

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