Chapter 3

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(Copyright- hxrryluvx)
All Rights Reserved :)

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I awoke to my mother shaking me.

"Vicky come on we have to get up." She says in a soothing voice.

"What time is it?" I say groggily sitting up.

My mother checks her watch. "It's 6:30." She says stroking my hair.

"Okay." I say swinging my legs off my bed and getting up.

"We are leaving at 8 so be ready to leave." She says.

"Okay." I repeat heading to my bathroom.

I had already laid out my clothes for this morning last night because everything I own, literally everything are in cardboard boxes. I have a most of my clothes in my suitcase so I get dressed and then grab my toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush, deodorant, and makeup.

I go to my bathroom sink and get ready to leave. After I put on a light amount of makeup I brush my hair and teeth and grab my suitcase.

I bring my suitcase downstairs and run back upstairs to grab my phone. I grab my phone and

"Vicky." A voice startles me.

I turn around quickly to see Clay standing in my balcony doorway.

"Holy shit Clay you scared the crap out of me!" I say putting a hand to my chest.

"Sorry." He says chuckling

"What are you doing here? It's 8 o'clock in the morning!" I say walking towards him.

I felt really sensitive because I hurt him just yesterday, so I didn't know if I should hug him or not.

"I just came to say goodbye and um do this." He says leaning down and taking my face in his hands and kisses me.

I don't kiss him back at first because I was nervous. I decide that I have to do this for him and then I kiss him our lips moving in sync. He pulls away and smiles at me, I look at him nervously and he hugs me tightly.

"Thank you Vick." He says into my hair.

"You're welcome." I say into his chest.

"I have to go Clay." I say pulling away.

He lifts my chin to look at him. "Yeah I know." He says sadly looking out the window.

I hug him one last time and begin to walk out of the room.

"Vick?" Clay says.

"Yeah?" I reply turning around.

"I'll miss you." He says looking down.

"I'll miss you too." I say turning around and walking out of the room.

Once I get downstairs I grab my suitcase and walk outside. I get in the car.

"Ready to go sweetheart?" she asks.

"Yeah." I say looking up at my balcony.

Clay is gone but I figured that he would be.

We take off towards the airport and I fall asleep.


When I wake up we are pulling into the parking lot and I get out and grab my suitcase from the trunk.

"Hey mom what are we gonna do about the car?" I ask.

"Chelsea is going to bring it to the loading docks and put it on the boat to be transported to Australia." She explains.

"Oh okay." I reply pulling up the handle on my suitcase and starting to walk.

Oh Mrs. Chelsea, Maddi's mom is such a nice and helpful lady, I will miss her.

We get on the elevator that will bring us to our terminal. When we get past check in and security I realize that it is already 12:15 and that I am starving.

"Mom can we get lunch." I beg her as my stomach grumbles.

"Yeah but our plane loads at 1:30 so we have to be done before that so we can head to our gate." She says.

"Okay." I say happily. We discuss where to go I say TGI Friday's and my mom says California Pizza. We end up agreeing on Red Robin and we go sit down.

After we order our food and finish eating my mom pays and we go to our gate. I sit down texting Maddi

*Hey I'm at my gate. I miss you so much already :(* I send the message and put my earbuds in and play my music. I start to go off into lala land when I feel my phone vibrate.

*Ughhhhhhhh I miss you too! I can't believe you are leaving me for the Australian boys!* I read Maddi's text and laugh.

*Oh yeah like there are going to be a million boys swooning over me.* I reply sarcastically.

*Oh trust me there will be plenty. Don't lose your virginity the first week.* she replies.

I gasp. *OMFG Maddi shut up!* I send.

She replies with laughing emojis and I shake my head.

"Flight number 438 to Sydney, Australia now boarding. That is flight number 438 to Sydney, Australia." I hear the intercom say.

*Hey I have to board I will text you when I land* I text Maddi.

*Okay bye love.* Maddi replies.

I board the plane and put my carry-on in the upper compartment. I plop down in my seat and put my earbuds in. I feel the plane take off.

I look out the window seeing my town disappear, as I fall asleep to the sound of Ed Sheeran and the slight sway of the plane.

Heyo! I know this was a short chapter and I am sorry but once I get back from vacation they will be longer chapters. Just hang in there! Aha. :D

Lex :D

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