Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

It’s been about a month since the girls started officially dating the boys, so it’s around the middle of August. The hate hasn’t been that bad, but there’s still jealous girls out there, making them feel bad. The hate hasn’t really gotten in the girls skin, except for Emma. Emma’s more fragile than the other girls, and she’s been in this condition before.

After she met Niall and started hanging out with him, the cutting stopped a little, and when Niall became her boyfriend, it stopped. Emma doesn’t know how, but it did, Niall made Emma feel special, like she was the only girl in the world.

But today was different than other days, hate kept coming into Emma’s twitter.

@hater: @niallofficial is OUR special snowflake not that fat ass @EmDaFoodie

@hater: why would @niallofficial go for a whore bitch like @EmDaFoodie doesn’t make sense

@hater: if @EmDaFoodie thinks she’s meant for @niallofficial she’s oblivious, she’s a slut





Those words kept coming back, it brought flashbacks into her mind from her old high school ‘friends’. That hate stopped, probably because she’s dating Niall. Thinking about how she met Niall brought flashbacks into her mind.

It was a week before the end of July, all the girls had their boyfriends, aka Zayn, Louis, Liam and Harry, but Emma and Niall felt left out in the ‘dating club’. What they didn’t realize, but all the others could see was that they both liked each other, a lot.

Niall finally got up the nerve to ask Emma out, even if it wasn’t the most romantic thing, Niall just wanted to get it out and see what Emma thought, even if it ruined their relationship.

Niall picked up his phone and pressed and clicked seven, which went directly to Emma.

“Hey!” Emma’s cheery voice answers through the hum of the phone.

“Hi Emma, could you um…meet me by the dock at the lake?” Niall asks, nervous as ever.

“The one by McDonald’s? It’s weird, a lake near McDonald’s, always, that one?” Emma babbles.

“Yeah, that one” Niall laughs as Emma’s cuteness.

“Great! See you” Emma hangs up, as does Niall. He quickly slips on some black Adidas high tops and hops into his car. He drives to the lake, by McDonald’s, and waits for Emma on a rock. About two minutes later, Emma pulls up next to Niall’s car and hops out of her car, walking in Niall’s direction. Niall instantly lights up when he sees Emma, he stands up to meet her and offers her a seat beside his rock, which has another beside it. Even though Emma was only wearing ripped skinny jeans and a loose fitted shirt, she was still absolutely stunning.

“Why did you want to meet me here?” Emma asks, playing with a strand of her hair.

“Well…um, we haven’t really gone on any dates or anything and um…we’ve known each other for a little while now, and um…I kind of really like you so…”Niall trails off “…would you like to be my, my-my girlfriend?”

“Of course!” Emma cheers happily. A smile from ear to ear forms on Niall’s face, he quickly pulls her in for a hug.

“Best. Day. Ever!” Emma says as Niall takes his hand in her’s.

Well…now it wasn’t the best day ever, it was far from that, it was the worst day ever. On Facebook where Emma got bullied on by people who actually knew her was bad, but from girls who are ‘fans’ of One Direction who don’t even know Emma is way worse.

Emma stopped cutting, because Niall made her forget all her insecurities and just be plain old happy, not fake happy, genuinely happy, but that protective wall that Niall helped her build came crumbling down.

Niall doesn’t know about Emma’s cutting and bullied past, but the girls did, and Emma made them promise not to tell Niall, or any of the boys for that matter, the girls agreed because she was better…or was she?

Emma didn’t think she would cut anymore, but the ‘fans’ dragged her back into her personal hell hole, that no one seemed to know about.

She walked, wait no, ran into her bathroom and dug around in her toiletry bag and took out her old razor, she took a deep breath before she took the first cut.

“Bitch” “Ugly” “Slut” “Whore”

Emma kept repeating those words her herself, she knew she had to stop, so she wouldn’t die, since she wanted to be will Niall, so after her fifth cut, she stopped, cleaned her wrist and covered it with foundation so no one can see them. She washed her face in cold water until it didn’t look like she’s been in pain or been crying.

After, she went downstairs as if nothing happened, downstairs all the girls and boys are sitting on the couch watching TV. She goes over to Niall and sits beside him, but he pulled her into his lap and placed a kiss on her cheek.

Niall seemed so happy, she couldn’t let her cuts ruin that, he’ll probably leave her if he found out anyways, and she was too happy with him.

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