Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen

Zayn opened the car door for Kelsey, as he quickly runs around the car and into the driver’s side, he starts the car and backs up and heads onto the main road. As he’s driving he quickly turns his head to see a tear fall from Kelsey’s eye, he lifts his hand and wipes it off. Kelsey gives him a soft smile, but Zayn and see that she’s in pain right now.

Zayn looks back at Kelsey’s who’s currently looking out the window. How did I get so lucky? Zayn thinks to himself, he going into his own little world, but it taken out by screaming.

“Zayn, Zayn! Watch the road!” Kelsey screams. He looks forwards to see a huge pickup truck headed straight for them, he quickly turns just in time but a drunk driver comes speeding towards them.

“Please don’t let us die” Kelsey whispers, clutching onto Zayn’s hand. Zayn quickly parks onto the side of the road.

Zayn thinks how close he was to hitting both of those cars, he feels total guilt and something else he’s never felt before…love. “Hey Kelsey, I-I-” before he could finish his sentence a car hits them from behind, one in the front and the drunk driver hammering into Kelsey’s side, slamming her head against the side of the car and onto the windshield.

“Kelsey! Wake up Kelsey, don’t leave me! I…I…I love you!” Zayn screams, tears pouring out of his eyes. He finally told Kelsey he loved her, he just…never said it when she could hear him “I love you, I love you so, so much” Zayn whispers. He feels blood pouring out of his neck and head, then slowly fades into blackness.

When he wakes up, he sees four male heads overtop of him. He groans the mumbles out “What’s going on?” Just barley opening his eyes.

“You were in a car accident with Kelsey” Liam explains. 

With those words, his eyes snap open, flashes of the event happening over and over again. 

“I need to see her” Zayn demands, getting up, ignoring the pain surging through him.

“You can’t get up Zayn, you’re hurt and there are IVs in you” Louis says, Zayn at first is taken back at the request, but rips the IVs and jumps out of his bed, sprinting past the rooms until he sees Kelsey, unconscious, asleep on her hospital bed. He sees the crying girls, which makes tears fall from his eyes, thinking he caused all this pain for everyone.

“Sir, you need to go back to your room” a doctor says, grabbing Zayn by the arm, attempting to drag him to his room.

“No, you don’t understand. It’s my fault Kelsey is like that, if I would have been paying attention in the first place none of this would of happened” Zayn cries out. Jay walks through the door, holding Zayn by the shoulders.

“It’s not your fault Zayn, you didn’t know that this was going to happen when you went out, you could of never prevented this, and you weren’t driving the cars that crashed into you” she explains to Zayn. He understands what she’s saying and walks back to his room with the doctor. He still feels so much guilt, but he’s a bit better.

“Why isn’t Kelsey awake?” He asks, the doctor, out of the blue.

“She’s in a coma right now” he explains, clearly annoyed with him.

“What?” Zayn yells, trying to run back.

“Now!” The doctor yells in the direction they were walking, a nurse sprints towards them with a needle.

“What the fuck are you doing?” Zayn asks, soon falling into a deep slumber.

When he awakes, again, the boys are sitting in the chairs, right by his bed.

“They say if you don’t do anymore crazy stuff you’d be allowed out of the hospital sooner” Niall says, trying to brighten the mood.

“Really? And I can see Kelsey?” Zayn asks, immediately thinking about Kelsey being in a coma.

“Yes, you can see Kelsey, we explained to the doctors how much you like-” before Niall could finish his sentence, Zayn interrupts saying:

“I love her, so you told the doctors how much I love her”.

“Well, then I gotta go tell them that” Niall sighs, pretending to get up, but quickly sitting back down.

All the boys had their regular chitter-chatter, the same thing, crappy hospital food, needles, etc… But finally came the day that Zayn could actually see Kelsey, without getting in trouble.

Zayn walks into Kelsey’s room, seeing all the girls beside her bed as usual.

“I’m so-” before Zayn could say anything else, the girls gave him a big hug.

“But, but I was driving, wouldn’t you be mad at me?” Zayn asks, confused.

“Niall told us how much guilt you were feeling, and how much you love her, and we know you would never do anything like this to Kels on purpose, we know how sorry you are, and this isn’t your fault” Emma explains, going beside Niall as he wraps his arm around her waist, Emma flinches, but Niall only smirks, thinking he caught her by surprise, only if he knew the truth.

Some beeping goes on, all the boys quickly sit down with their girlfriends on their laps, watching the doctors assist Kelsey.

“She’s waking up!” A nurse says, happily.

Her eyes flutter open, revealing her big blue eyes. The girls quickly get up and hug Kelsey, but quickly get out of the way so Zayn and hug and kiss her and finally tell her how much he loves her. But when Zayn comes up to Kelsey’s bed, she looks at him funny, and Zayn returns the look.

“Um…sorry, but who are you?” Kelsey says, completely confused.

She doesn’t remember me? Zayn thinks. “Nobody” Zayn whispers, leaving the room, letting tears spill from his eyes. 

“I know she doesn’t remember you, but she’ll remember, she has to, she’ll remember everything” Liam tells Zayn, placing a hand on his shoulder.

“But what if she doesn’t?” Zayn yells, wiping his eyes, looking like he’s going to rip them out.

Victoria and Kristen come running out of the hospital door, tears in their eyes.

“It’s Kelsey, her heart…”

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