Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Chapter Twenty-Eight

When Harry heard those words escape Niall’s mouth, he quickly ran to the door with Niall right behind him. They jump into Harry’s car and rush over to the girl’s condo. They arrive and burst open through the doors.

“Emma! Emma! Where are you?” They both scream. Emma can hear them, but ignores their calls, she’s still trying to open up the bottle sleeping pills Kelsey had to use. Harry and Niall thump up the stairs, heading towards Emma’s room, they search her room and bathroom but she’s no where to be found. They hear a faint cry of sadness coming from Kelsey’s room. Niall goes into Jay’s room while Harry goes to Kelsey’s, since he was the only one who heard the cry. He enters Kelsey’s room, then goes into her bathroom, seeing Emma struggling with the bottle of pills.

“Niall!” Harry screams “Emma, please put the bottle of pills down” Harry calmly asks her.

“No” Emma whispers. Quickly, Niall enters the room, he sees Emma and more tears escape his eyes “Please Emma, don’t do this”.

This doesn’t do anything to help her, she still tries to open the bottle. Harry approaches her, he tries to take the pill bottle out of her hands, making it explode all over the bathroom. “Look at what you did! You made this happen! Don’t you see I don’t wanna live anymore?” Emma screams in Harry’s face. Niall takes Emma in his arms, instantly calming her. “Niall, I don’t want to live anymore, I wanna die” Emma mumbles into his chest. Hearing those words leave Emma’s mouth, tears stream down Niall’s face, not seeming to end anytime soon. Tears escape Harry’s eyes too, Emma was like a sister to him, she meant so much to him, and she meant a whole lot more to Niall. Harry takes his phone and dialled the emergency number. Soon, paramedics came through the doors.

Everything else happened so fast, entering and exiting the ambulance, going into the hospital, being placed into a hospital room, Emma didn’t really remember what was going on, she didn’t even realize she almost committed suicide. She looks up to see Niall and Harry sitting in chairs beside her bed.

“Emma?” Niall croaks out.

“Yeah?” Emma manages to say.

“I love you”.

“I love you too”.

Time passed by quickly, Kelsey, Kristen, Jay and Victoria were all better, Emma was in rehab, getting better at accepting herself. Jay, she’s off drugs. Victoria, isn’t abused anymore. Kelsey, remembers everything again. Kristen, cancer free. Emma, not suicidal. Everything seemed perfect, they all became teachers in one way and another and grew to accept that the boys had to be gone a lot, but video chatted, called, texted, any type of communication, they stayed in contact. Even though magazines, TV, fans said the boys or the girls were cheating, they never believed it, they had trust in each other, they all truly loved each other. That’s all that mattered to them. Over time, less and less hate came around, of course hate still came to them but they learned how to either ignore it or give a friendly comeback. Through some fights, sickness, sadness, everything…at the end of the day everything was truly amazing. They all moved in with each other, the girls condo was sold, they didn’t have it anymore. Niall and Emma, Victoria and Harry, Kelsey and Zayn, Kristen and Liam and finally, Jay and Louis. They were all together and happy.

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