Chapter eleven: The Weigh-in POV Sarah

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I can see that Ellie is taken aback by my suggestion. It was bold and maybe against the rules of our arrangement- relationship - I'm actually still not sure what to call it. I know that I have signed on to be her feedee but past that, we haven't discussed labeling it further. Did I ruin this by suggesting that she eat along with me? She's eerily quiet. I try to sweeten the deal. 

"Here's how it will work. We'll both weigh in and then when we get into the pancake buffet I will eat double of everything you eat. If you eat 6 pancakes, I'll eat twelve."

She is mulling over my request. 

"I mean," I continued, " I wouldn't ask you to go bite for bite with me. You would certainly lose. I've been training for a while." I rub my belly for effect. "So, that's my offer, I'll let you see how many pounds you've put on me in exchange for you indulging this one time." Then I whisper in her ear. "I know you want to know what that number is." I see her starting to crack, to cave. 

"Don't make me wait too long," I plead with her, only half joking. "I'm starving."

"Get on." She says. 

I clap my hands once, a punctuation of delight. 

The scale is the kind they have in doctors offices or locker rooms. The metal white ones that have balances and counter balances. Ellie smiles as she slides all of the blocky weights to left, across their metal beams, setting the scale to zero. She moves the large bottom weight to 100 pounds and slowly inches the smaller weight to the right. As the smaller weight lands at 40 pounds she says,

"You said 142 right?"

Ellie slides it past 142 and the scale isn't even hinting at budging. When it hits 150, the end of the line, she makes a little noise of approval. I'm starting to get nervous now. I knew I would be over 150, but I don't have any idea how much.  She slides the fat weight to the next slot marking 150 pounds. The balance slams down, hard, at 200 pounds. 

"Nope, not yet anyway." She smirks, "I should have brought my tape measure too." She says a little absently. She slides the small weight backwards. It still isn't moving at 190. At 188 pounds the scales balance shows a hint of a lift. I watch Ellie's eyes light up as she edges it back further and further, one tiny tap at a time until it teeters and rests, totally balanced at 183 pounds. 

"Well done, my love." She says as she wraps her arms around me. I have to confess I'm shocked that I have gained over 40 pounds, but there is no denying that I love having her hold me like this.  I relish the way her hands can't help but move all over my body. The body that I am tailor making for her and for me. 

"Your turn." I say and reset the scale to zero. Ellie is about 5'7" and slender. As round and soft as she has made me on this cruise is as flat and cut that her body is. You can see every muscle - she has an honest to god six pack. My mind wanders a few hours into the future. I can almost see her with a little pot belly, struggling to move, weighted down with pancakes.  The scale comes to balance at 125 pounds. 

I grin at her, "Let's eat."

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