Chapter Fourteen - Every Bite Bowl POV Ellie

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We are spending a long day few days at sea before we dock in New York, our last port. I can't believe the cruise is coming to an end.  Sarah a snoozing comfortably after her breakfast. I had it delivered to the room this morning.  It looked like breakfast for a family of twelve. I fed her pancakes and omelets and pastries. It's getting harder to push her to her limits these days - but I won't stop trying and she won't stop eating. Looking down at my own body, I see the effect she is having on me. Last night before bed she poked me in the roll of flesh that has miraculously shown up after the last few months.

"I love your sweet little muffin top." She told me, before kissing me. 

I haven't let her feed me again, not like she did at the pancake buffet - but something has certainly changed.  I am still the feeder and she is undoubtedly my feedee -  there's proof of that just by the way I made her eat the triple stacked Croque Madam this morning. She was so sure she couldn't do it. She could and she did. And the way she gets turned on when she eats, the way I get turned on feeding her. Our roles are solidified, but there's something else there too. I have such a good time with her, laughing, feeding her, talking about everything and anything that I stop focusing on just feeding her and wind up joining in and taking more bites than I ordinarily would. When I brought this up to her she said,

"Ellie, I think you're happy. Happy people get fat. Just look at me."  She laughed in a way that shook her stomach, the stomach that just kept growing.   

I started to clean up around the cabin while she slept and came across the t-shirt that she had worn during that first real feeding in Hawaii. I brought it out and left it on the end of her lounge chair. I was reading in the bedroom waiting for her to wake up when she came in. I heard her before I saw her, she gasped and then started laughing. I stepped out to find her looking at herself in what was now a comically tiny t-shirt.

"What have we done?" she said, with a smirk. 

The T-shirt could barely be considered a crop top now. The words across the chest are stretched so far as that they were almost unreadable. The fabric stretched to lend itself to a kind of transparency. There was a medium sized roll of fat right under her breasts poking out from beneath the bottom of the shirt and beneath that her enormous, uncover-able stomach.  

She pulled on a pair of jeans, that fit her new, extra-wide build perfectly. They cost a fortune, but they were worth it. 

"You look hot." I told her. Because she did. Her comfort in her body, in this tantilizing mixture of her new and old clothes, the confidence of it was so sexy. 

"Do I?"  She asked coyly. 

"MmHmm." I had to put my hands in my pockets to keep myself from undressing her. 

"Do I look hot enough for some soft serve?"

We walked down to the 24 hour ice cream buffet, that we had frequented at every hour of the night during the last few months.  I made her a gigantic cone dipped in all of her favorites and brought her an extra cup filled to the brim with more sprinkles and toppings - we call it the every bite bowl. She had complained once about how you only get the goodies on the outside.  She'll dunk every bite into that cup and eat whatever is left over at the end with a spoon. She takes such pleasure in this that other people on the ship have started employing the every bite bowl. Benicio says that this is the fattest cruise he has ever seen - that he's going to make a scrap book of the photos of people boarding and people leaving at least 20 pounds heavier. People always gain weight on these cruises, but he says that the combination of me and Sarah is like the pied piper of fatness.  I grab myself a simple vanilla cone, but inevitably wind up dipping it in the every bite bowl too. Sarah winked at me and whispered in my ear,

"Maybe we'll get to buy you a new pair of pants when we dock."

We laughed and looked at the sun playing with light on the water. 

"I'm going to miss you." She said quietly. 

I was going to miss her too. Miss her in a way I couldn't begin to process.

"Then don't."

"What?" She looked confused. Her beautiful lips, red from the cold ice cream stayed in the circle of a question. 

"Don't miss me. Live with me. We're basically doing it now, only we'll be on land."

She stayed quiet for a long time. 

"You want to do real life with me?"

"Our version of it." 

Then she kissed me. The sweetness of her mouth on mine. 


It was as simple as that. She finished her first cone and I got her another which she dutifully ate before I took her to dinner and then to bed. I swear I can see her getting fatter every minute. And she loves it and she's happy. And I think for the first time in my life, I'm happy too. 


Thanks for reading! This is my first piece of gainer fiction ever and I have been so excited by how many of you have gone on this journey with Ellie and Sarah. I'm calling this story complete and I'm going to start on something new. Let me know in the comments if you would like more about the characters you've met here or if you're ready to meet some new feeders and feedees. <3

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