Met again ~ : Chapter II

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Kat, let's go shopping today!

sent: 8:23

can't,  I got to take camie out

sent: 8:25

but baby, please for me

sent: 8:27

okay, how about this ~~~~

sent: 8:30



So katsuki said because his friends are coming and that camie already thinks that Izuku is his best/childhood friend. They're just going to play that role out.

Time skip - (wow, this is the first one)

Katsuki POV

"Hey, babe!" Camie said as I walked into my room. " Hey, Oh-yeah, I have to tell you something," I said as I placed my phone beside me. " Yeah? go ahead," she said as she sat on my bed. "You remember Izu, right?" I asked. "Yeah," she says as noded her head. " Well, he's coming with us to go shopping." "Wait, you said it was just going to be the squad and us!" " Yeah, I know, but he wanted to go."

Camie POV

(I know, I know)

I don't understand why he is so nice to that boy, ugh! I can appreciate their childhood friends. But I'm his girlfriend, and he doesn't treat me that way. every time he's on the damn phone with him, he's always happy and shit. (damn, she's toxic) " Hey, before he comes, I would like to talk to him. Is that okay?" I said. Katsuki had the face of someone who was hiding something. " Uhh, yeah, sure..." he said.

As he pulled out his phone and dialed, I assumed the boy's number. After a few rings, he picked up the phone. " umm, hey Izu, my girl would like to talk to you." he said, passing me the phone. " Hi, my name is cami-" I said as I got cut off by him saying, " I know, suki, talks about you all the time! " the boy said in a Cheerful voice. " I have something to tell you, if you don't mind, of course," I said as I walked out of the room.

As I stepped out and closed the door, my demeanor changed, my friendly façade drooped. " Look here, lzu or whatever your name is. I don't care if you and Katsuki haven't seen each other in years. He's my boyfriend, and it's like you told him not to pay attention to me! It's always about Izu! And not about me!

" Hey, look, I'm sorry you feel like that, but as you and I already know, you can't Control suki. So if you have that problem, you should talk to suki about that," he said that with a sweet lovely voice. But I can tell it was fake. " You can fool Kats with that innocent act, not me. I know a faker when I hear one.

I said with a laugh. " It takes one to know one." as he said that, he hangs up the phone.

Katsuki did discuss about camie but not in a good way. Katsuki always said that she would complain about the littlest things. And that she could only last for one Round. So after they had sex, he would still be horny. That is why he would go to lzu, then afterward he is satisfied. lzu did instruct Katsuki to ignore Camie; he said that even if Katsuki gave her the attention, she wouldn't appreciate it.

And she didn't.


Camie walks back in with a scoff on her face. She didn't like how the conversation didn't go her way. She flaps herself onto the bed with Katsuki's phone; Katsuki was in the shower at the time. So Camie took this time to look through his phone. She notices the name Katsuki had Izuku saved under in his Contacts. Katsuki told her that Izuku did that, but now she's having second thoughts.

But before she could look at the text messages, Katsuki had arrived out of the shower. Already dress and ready to leave. Camie had got dress ahead of time.

But now they had to pick up Izuku...



Hey, guys hope you enjoy this chapter. I don't know when I'm going to post the next one because when I do say something, it doesn't stick, so I'm not going to tell you when I'm going to post something, and I don't post that day, but I hope you enjoyed.

Word count: 712

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