Chapter 7

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(Your P.O.V)

To be honest, I really didn't mind being in the same bed as Grant.
It was kinda cute. One minute he would be making a stupid inappropriate joke and the next he would just hug you and hold you making you feel special. Enough rambling I suppose.
I climbed out of bed and stood up to stretch. I noticed my clothes had been changed. I was now in a soft oversized blue hoodie with grey sweatpants that were surprisingly really close to my size.

"Mully's hoodie. Gauge's pants." Grant explained when he saw my confused look.

He stood up and yawned then went into the bathroom. I walked downstairs hoping to see someone, and to my luck there was indeed someone sitting on the couch next to Eddie. I sat beside Eddie and pretended to pout.

"Aww is someone jealous that I'm hanging out with someone else?" He chuckled.

"Its possible." I replied smiling.

"Y/n i would like you to meet-"

"Smashing." I interrupted shaking his hand.

"Your no fun." he grumbled.

I just smiled and stuck my tongue out. Smashing was pretty fun to be around and was really nice. We talked for quite awhile.

(Gauge P.O.V. Finally someone else's pov! lol)

I woke up to the sounds of Josh losing his lunch. In spite of how I felt I still smirked. Dumbass I thought. I got out of bed reluctantly and took a quick shower. After the shower I walked over to my closet. I grabbed my favorite shirt and began looking for my favorite sweatpants.

Right. Y/n has them. I mentality slapped myself for being so dumb.

I wore my other favorite sweatpants and a shirt with a picture of
(Your Favorite Band) on the front. I looked myself over in the mirror and gave a slight nod of approval. I walked downstairs to the
kitchen to search for something to eat.

"It gets better dawg! And then he came back and was like 'people are dead now'" I heard laughter coming from the living room. I followed the laughter to see Y/n sitting by Eddie on the couch and Smashing in a nearby chair.

"Smashing!!" I ran up and gave him a hug. " what are you doing here? " I asked.

"A family thing came up and I had to come down here for a bit and remembered you guys just moved" he smiled.

When I saw Y/n still had my pants on, I blushed thinking of how she asked if I had anything that would fit her. Those eyes... Then I realized that 'those eyes' were staring at me.

"Did you really just say that?" She asked confused.

"Say what?" I questioned unsure of what she was talking about.

"We were talking about something Josh said and you said 'those eyes'..."
I felt my eyes grow wide. Shit.

"I swear on the great goofy grape that I don't know what your talking about" I answered jokingly. Everyone laughed at this and seemed to drop the subject.

A few minutes later Grant came down to the kitchen to make breakfast for us all. Smashing apologized and said he really did have to go. So me, Y/n and Eddie migrated to the kitchen.

"You know that was one long conversation you guys had" Narrator started. "But I'm even longer, if you know what I mean" he winked at
Y/n who blushed.

"That fool can't even speak Spanish!" Eddie pouted.

We laughed and soon decided to go and check on Josh.

(Mully P.O.V)

I handed Josh the Advil I picked up with the beer last night. Poor guy he didn't deserve this. I was sitting on his bed and he was in the bathroom tossing cookies when Y/n, Eddie, Guage, and Grant walked in.

"Aww poor Joshy" Y/n said glancing sympathetically at Josh.
Narrator just sighed, And Eddie and Juicy gave each other a look.

I drove Y/n home since I hadn't had much to drink the night prior. I thought I heard her mumble something, but I just let it go. When we pulled up to her house she blushed and looked down at her shir- oh, she was still wearing my hoodie.

"I'll give it back as soon as possible" she reassured me.

I thought for a moment. "Nah you can keep it. It looks better on you anyways" I smiled.

"Wow thanks" she hugged me before bounding up the steps to her front door.

Wow I just saw that I'm #2 in #Mullen! So yeah as always the typical luv u guys don't forget to comment blah blah blah you know the rest.

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