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Iris POV

I was getting Rickey ready for school I was doing his hair when jughead walked into the living room with Noah

"Can I hold Noah?" Rickey asked I nodded jughead gave Noah to Rickey he smiled I kissed jugs cheek and he went back to sleep I walked into my room to see sweets jug and fangs sleeping

"Wake up" I said hitting them with a pillow

"I don't want to go to school" sweets groaned

"Wake up now were going to pops" I said jug jumped out of the bed I giggled navy started crying same with Nathan I got navy and gave her to sweet pea and I gave Nathan to fangs

"And were walking" I said I got the baby's dressed in matching outfits then put them in the strollers the boys walked out and we left Rickey was pushing on of the strollers same with sweets and fangs we walked to toni's trailer I knocked on the door Toni opened it she smiled and hugged me I hugged her back

"Omg little baby's what are there names?" Toni asked

"Navy Noah and Nathan" I said she smiled

"Lets go to pops" I said she nodded we started walking to pops when we got there we walked in I saw betty and Archie who I dislike and veronica and Kevin who are ok I guess

"Oh my you had kids" pop said coming over and hugging me I hugged back

"What are there names?" Kevin asked coming over

"Navy Noah and Nathan" I said he smiled I walked past betty and Archie they looked shocked to see me we sat down in a booth Toni was holding navy when veronica came over

"Can I hold one?" she asked I nodded she took Nathan and sat down next to Toni

"Who watches them when you go to school?" veronica asked

"Well I have no one too" I said

"Babe you start school today" sweets said I nodded betty walked over with her mom

"If its fine with you I would love to watch them" betty's mom said

"Ya if it would help" betty said I looked at jughead he nodded yes

"Uh sure why not" I said she smiled Alice took the baby's to her house I went and dropped of Rickey at school them went to riverdale high I walked in everyone was looking at me jug walked over and grabbed my hand I kissed his cheek same with fangs and sweets they walked me to the office and I got my papers that I needed

Later that day

Jughead POV

I was walking with sweet pea and fangs we were going to get Iris when I saw Reggie trying to flirt with Iris we walked over sweet pea grabbed Reggie he looked shocked

"Go flirt with a different girl because this one is taken" I said

"Oh so she's a whore?" Reggie asked

"You bitch" sweet pea said iris grabbed his hand

"Lets go" she said walking away we followed

Iris POV

I walked into the cafeteria and sat down at a table where my serpents were

"Iris your back" one of my serpents said I nodded and hugged her she smiled

"Queen" another one said

"Hi" I said everyone new about the serpent queen being back I was talking with jade one of the serpents

"Penny Peabody is working with the ghoulies" she said

"That bitch" I said getting pissed

"She shouldn't be a god damn serpent" sweets said

After school

Iris POV

I was walking to Rickey's school because I got a call saying he got in a fight I walked in and saw him sitting in a chair with a black eye the kid sitting next to him had a black eye and a bloody nose.

"Hi I'm here for Rickey desantoes" I said I was walked into a room with Rickey and the other kids parent's

"Tanner here thought it would be ok to punch Rickey and call his sister o whore" Mr Cole said

"Tanner is that true" tanners mom asked he nodded

"Rickey are you ok?" I asked looking at his face he shook his head yes I smiled

"Tanner is suspended from school for two weeks" Mrs Cole said

"Let's go Rickey" I said he got up

"I'm sorry that tanner hurt Rickey" his mom said

"Its ok just don't let it happen again" I said she smiled I smiled back

"Are you his mom?" she asked

"No I'm his sister we don't have a mom and our dad is in jail" I said she nodded

"Well I'm sorry my son called you a whore" she said I nodded

"Rickey lets go we have to pick up the triplets" I said walking away

"Can we go to pop's?" Rickey asked

"Always" I said he smiled

Her Serpents. (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now