the break up

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Iris POV

The bar started to get too loud and it was hurting the babies ears it was hot outside so I just walked out of the bar with the kids and Rickey we sat and talked the jughead came out of the bar he looked pissed

"Hey rick take the kids to sweet pea and fangs and stay inside" I said to Rickey he nodded and walked inside I walked over to jug he kicked his dads bike

"Hey babe you ok?" I asked he rolled his eyes

"Leave me alone" he said I just stood there

"Talk to me" I said getting pissed he looked at me

"I said leave me alone" he said raising his voice

"Tell me what is wrong" I said looking at him

"YOU ARE THE PROBLEM" he yelled looking at me

"Me how am i?" I asked getting pissed

"You walk around like you own the place you never think of other people I should have never had a kid with you I should have stayed with betty" he said a tear fell down my cheek

"Ok then have a good night jughead ill take MY kids and leave and don't talk to me" I said walking away I walked into the bar and got all four of the kids and left

Jughead POV

What did I just do I just lost the love of my life

Iris POV

I got to the house I put the babies to sleep then I cooked for me and Rickey

"Thank you sis" Rickey said taking his food to his room I feed the dogs then I sat on the couch I thought of what jughead said 'i should have never had a kid with you' I just started crying I cried myself to sleep

Rickey POV

I walked out into the living room to see iris asleep on the couch it looked like she had been crying I walked over and kissed her head and walked back to my room

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