the serpent king

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Iris POV

I found out Fp was leaving the serpents. I was getting the party ready at the wyrm I found out betty and her mom we coming this is going to be fun the queen of the Northside don't get me wrong I love Alice but not so much betty it will be fun I'm setting up the party and it three am I have all day to do what I want so thus will be fun Fp is working at pops he's sober and that makes me happy jughead is happy he's been spending time with his dad I walked out of the wyrm and got on my bike and drove home when I walked into the trailer sweets jug and fangs were asleep with the baby's on there chests in the living room and Rickey was asleep with bear and moon on the couch bear woke up and looked at me he is huge now he got off of the couch and ran to me

"Hey big boy" I whispered to him I started petting him then I fell asleep

Fangs POV

I woke up at five or six and looked around to see everyone asleep with a dog or a baby I got up and made Nathan a baba and started to feed him.

Iris POV

I woke up to see jughead sweets and fangs watching tv I got up and picked up Rickey and brought him to his room moon and bear followed and laid with him after I walked back into the living room

"Good morning my loves" I said sitting down next to fangs

"Good morning" they said looking at me then the tv I grabbed fangs chin and kissed him he kissed back then I did that to the other boys

"Ok lets go to pops ill wake up Rickey and it would be a good walk for the dogs" I said getting up I woke up Rickey and got the dogs and my baby's ready

"Lets go boys" I said we walked out the door and started walking to pops I was holding bears leash while Rickey was holding moons

"Got we Havre too many kids" jughead said pushing Nathan's stroller

"How?" I asked

"Well we have two dogs and three baby's"fangs said

"And?" I asked giggling when we got to pops we walked in and I saw Fp in a uniform I started laughing Fp looked at me same with jughead

"I'm sorry" I said putting my hand up he rolled his eyes

"Give me Nathan" he said trying to take one of his grandkids

"Hmm Fp did you ever think you would be a grandpa?" I asked Fp

"No I didn't think my son would have kids at seventeen" Fp said looking at jughead jughead looked away then Cheryl dropped her milkshake

"Clean thus up like you did my brothers blood" Cheryl said I started to walk over to her when Fp stopped me

"Its fine ill get you another milkshake its on the house" go said handing me Nathan pop tried to clean up the shake but I stopped him

"Pop ill do it you don't have a good back" I said he took Nathan and I cleaned up the mess then looked at Cheryl she looked scared I giggled and took bears leash and walked to a booth and sat down fangs came over with the kids and rickey moon laid on Rickey's lap

Her Serpents. (Finished)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt