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"What are you guys doing". Emma asked confused.
"Um"' Ray said.
"Well tell everyone to come to the kitchen ok Emma"
"Ok". Emma put a frowned on her face she knows that something is wrong.
"What's going on max". Asked Gillian.
"I will tell you guys when everybody is here". Max said. Gillian nodded her head. Ray went to the three of them and hit there heads very hard.
"Ow that hurts Ray". The three of them said in pain.
"I know it does do that again and I will-". Ray was cut off by Emma's voice.
"I brought everyone". Emma said.
"Ok *cough* so I know me and Emma have been here for awhile thank you so much you guys for letting us stay here but I have to go home to my family. Emma I think it's the best if you stay here with your family I have been gone for a while"
"Can't you stay for a little longer please max" said Phil.
"Sorry Phil I can't I need to get back home"
"Wait Max you can't leave what about the tree house we were going to build".   Lannion and thoma said in chorus.
"I can help you guys since I am the handsome and strongest one in this whole house".   Nat said showing his white pearl teeth.
"No offense Nat but your pretty weak".   Thoma said.
"Yeah and that your "so handsome" how come you don't have a girlfriend yet". Lannion said with crossed arms.
"Um... forget it ask Don to help you"
"Wait no please we're sorry right lannion"
"Um yup"
" lannion that apology didn't even sound that you were really sorry."
"I'm so "sorry" Nat" lannion said trying to make it sound believable.
Emma went to max and gave him a tight hug and tears started streaming down her face. Max was surprised by the hug and hugged here back. Once the kids saw Emma crying they started crying they were attached to Max they didn't want him to go.
"You can come visit anytime Emma it's your home to". Max let go of the hug and the kids didn't want to stand there crying so they rushed to max and hugged max and they tried to be gently as possible"
"We're going to miss you max" The kids said in chorus.
"You kids can visit me anytime you want ok"
"Ok max we will also write letters to you". Sherry said.
"No a bunch of letters" said Phil.
"Ok then I better get going or I am going to miss the train". Max went with Emma and gave her a another hug and whispered into Emma's ear.
"It's okay Emma he is not like him you can trust him and you know too huh but you should tell ray the truth Emma okay"
"Yeah I know he is not like him and I will tell him soon I promise". Emma said while wiping her tears. 
"Hey Ray"
"Yes max"
"Take care of her would you"
"Of course I will" Max went closer to Ray and hugged him.
"Well I'm off Bye everybody".
"Wait don't you want us to take you there". Gilda asked.
"No it's fine I can manage". Emma went closer to make and grabbed his luggage.
"What you mean no"
"No your not going by yourself it's dangerous and you can't care five luggage's with you"
"No buts".  Emma said. Then Ray put a hand on Max's shoulder.
"That's how Emma is max there is no way of changing her mind". Ray said.
"Eh I guess your right ok then let's go"
"Can we all go please Emma". Christie asked.
"Please Emma". Everyone said in chorus.  Emma couldn't say no to them so she announced.
"Ok let's have a road trip"
"Yay". Everyone screamed
"Eh". Both Ray and Max said.
"Emma what".  Ray said.
"Norman we can rent a bus right for we can take everyone right"
"But Emma I don't think we ca-"
"Please Norman". Everyone said giving Norman puppy eyes and he couldn't say no to them.
"What time do you have to leave the train?" Norman asked.
"Tomorrow at 10:00 am"
"I mean I can't hurt right alright then we are going on a road trip"
"Wait what Norman".
"Isn't this great Ray now you can spend some more alone time with her". Norman whispered.
"No buts Ray now pack your clothes and that goes for everybody else's got that"
"Yes Emperor". All the little kids said. Ray looked the other way and started laughing trying to keep it quiet as possible. Norman hits Ray in the stomach.
"It's not funny Ray".
"Yup it's not funny like your weak punches Emperor"
"Why you little-"
"Guys please don't" Emma said.
"Fine Emma bu-"
"Can I join you Ray to get Norman"
"Sure let's get him". Ray and Emma had smirk on both of their faces. "Oh No". Norman thought then Norman started running away.
"Hey everybody we are it so let's get Norman". Emma yelled. "It's like a game a tag but this feels familiar somehow". Emma thought.
"Oh yes I'm going to get him first". Don said.
"No me and lannion are right lannion". Thoma said but lannion wasn't with him.
"Eh oh I see how it is every man for them self huh" thoma smirked.
"Where can I go? Where can I go? Yes that's it they don't know the secret base under my office desk office".Norman thought.
"Hurry Ray before Norman gets away"
"It's fine Norman is not going to get far I mean he is a noodle Emma"
"Haha your funny Ray"
"So you like my jokes antenna"
"Ok never mind and why did you call me antenna"
"Because of your piece of hair that is on top of your head idiot"
"Ok I'm going to find Norman first before you". Emma stick out her tongue playfully.
"Oh it's on if I win you have to act like Norman and dress up as him for a day
"Fine but if I win you have to buy me and yourself a giraffe onesie for we can match"
"Fine deal" Ray roller his eyes.  "Why did it had to be a giraffe onesie anyway". Ray thought.
"Deal I'm going to find him first" Emma said. And she went to a opposite direction from Ray.
"This girl if I were Norman I would be... his office of course". Ray thought and he ran to Norman's office and found nowhere in there.  As Ray was looking around his office he walked towards his desk and heard a creak.  He looked under his desk and found a  door that lead underground.  "The hell he never told us this". Ray thought.  As he began going down the ladder he saw the door and it had a sign that said "Norman's Panic Room" .  Then as Ray open it he saw Norman in the corner holding a teddy bear.
"Yo". Ray said loud enough for Norman to hear.
"Oh hey Ray what are you doing here" Norman quickly but the teddy bear behind his back.
"What's with the teddy bear Norman and with the panic room?"
"Oh the teddy bear Anna gave it to me and the panic room is for emergencies only"
"Then why are you in here if it's only for emergencies ".
"Well duh running away from you and Emma". Norman stood up and dusted off his pants.
"Well we should go before anyone else finds us" soon after Norman said that they heard someone walking down the ladder.
"Hey did someone followed you?" Norman asked seriously.
"No I am pretty sure". Then they heard them jump off the ladder and couldn't see their face clearly then...
"Boo". Emma yelled.
" Yo How did you found us?"
"Oh that was easy Ray I just followed you when I was nowhere in your sight". Emma said have them a huge smile.
"Also Norman who do you have a panic room under your office desk".
"Um just in case for a emergency"
"But this isn't an emergency Norman".
"Yes it is its you and Ray I was hiding from Plus I think the other kids I looking after me now".
"Yup". Ray popped out the p.
"Let's go it's almost time to take max to the train station".  Ray said.
"Okay"  Emma said.
"Emma" Ray said.
" You lost the bet with me so". Ray leaned closer to Emma and whispered to her ear.  "You have to act like Norman and dress up as him".  Ray gave her a smirk.
"Yeah I know" Emma sighed.
"Ok guys we should get going there probably looking for us" Norman said.
As the three of them got of the panic and soon later everybody went after Norman.
"About time". Don said.
"Yeah it took a little longer than expected". Norman said and scarred his head.
" I should get started on dinner it's almost 5:00 plus we have to pack". Ray said.
" Can I help you make dinner Ray". Emma asked.
"I promise I won't mess up"
"Fine put wash your hands and everybody else pack"
Everyone one nodded and went to the rooms and started packing their things.

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