Chapter 6.5 I always wanted to fly.

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"I always wanted to fly,"
"I know you did. You talked about it every day as a little boy"
"Do you still think I could fly?" 
.... "Yeah I think you could"
"If I ever fly I wanna fly with you. See the stars and moon. Go to clouds and sit and watch the world down below"
"I will fly with you. I promise"

You broke your promise. Big brother You said you would fly with me. Why are you not flying with me? Why am I flying alone with people that don't care about me?
Phil doesn't love me. Techno doesn't care for me. Tubbo said he didn't wanna know how to fly and was always confused by it. 
No one cares for me Right?

I am happy that I finally got to see you again brother. I missed big brother Wilby Soot. 
I love you a lot. You baked cookies and bought me some lollies (candy) me. You always cared when I hurt myself. You would give me hugs and sing me some of your old songs. You were always there for me. I was so sad when you died. I am happy now that we can fly together again. I just wanna fly to the moon, to the stars. Maybe touch the clouds.  

"I did promise you to fly to the moon and stars one day."
"You did promise. I was so sad when I thought you broke the promise. 
"I would never! How dare you think that." 
"..I love you Wilby"
"I love you too Tommy. Give me a big hug and let's fly together to the moon"
"Let's fly high and far into the sky"

(This is whats happening in Tommy's mind and whats happening to him now)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2021 ⏰

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