Down goes the Empire

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We finally get to the door and open it. on the other side are an eager Owen, Lydia and Harry. Once they see Mcquigg they move fast to get him into the car. Once he is buckled in the rest of us do the same. And we speed towards the hospital.

The Girl POV

He is dead. King is dead.

Alex POV

We got back from the hospital a while ago. the whole way it was so silent but so loud at the same time. everyone had questions but no one knew how to ask them... or they were just scared of the answer. we go up the elevator and into HQ. Ryan and Owen help Mcquigg onto the couch. everyone took their respective seats around him. I sat beside Shelby with Ryan beside her and Mquigg across from us. Lydia and Owen sat in the two armchairs between the couches.

" Ask," I say knowing they want to.

" What?" Shelby asks

" I know you guys have a lot of questions. so ask" I say responding. suddenly I hear a voice from behind me, "Oh only if it was so easy." she says we all turn around to look at her. it was the girl who told me to kill King. she walks right in and sits beside Mcquigg.

" Sorry about your shoulder." she apologizes

" What are you doing here," I ask. I am surprised at everyone that they did not raise their guns, but I guess we just want some answers. Suddenly we hear a male voice say " Agent 289"

I turn around to see two agents one male and one female coming running up to us.

" Annnnddd they found me. great!" she says sarcastically.

"you're an agent?" I ask

" Obviously," she says. the two agents are beside us now

" you were supposed to meet us in the car on 28th street," The female agent says

" ya well, that idea was stupid. King's people are still loyal to him. if they see anything fishy about me, they will kill me. And personally, I do not want to die. Also, they hid a speaker in the sewer beneath the van." she says. Shouldn't she have said the thing about the speaker first?"

" Couldn't you have just told us that?" the female agent asks

" Ummm why are you here?" Owen asks

" well, I wanted to see Alex. Right Regina?" she asks with an Italian accent

 I stand up and point my gun at her. She knows. Everyone tenses and gets ready. everyone is surprised.

" How the hell dare you," I say to her. she laughs

" Oh, I couldn't have been the first. you can't hide it forever. Especially if she is alive." she states. she is wrong. I watch her die. she is dead. my daughter is dead. I slowly lower my gun and say, " not possible I watched her die in front of me."

" you and I both know this is not the first time you have seen a fake death," she says referring to my fake death.

Finally, Ryan speaks up and asks, " Alex what the hell is going on?"

I put my gun in my holder and turn to Shelby and ask, "are you still in touch with Caleb?"                 she looks totally confused. but still, responds " ya I am why?

" good can you call him and ask him to come here I need him to find someone and I don't trust anyone else to do it," I say leaving out the part where he knows who I would be looking for. Shelby nods and walks away to make the call.

Lydia signs " who are you looking for?". Instead of responding to her the girl who we still have not learned her name spoke up, " you won't find her. she disappeared from the earth the day you thought she died." 

I still want to try even though I know the chance of finding her. The girl pushes past the two agents and goes to the kitchen. She opens the fridge and grabs a bowl of grapes and sits back down starting to eat them.

" so what are we going to do about kings men. I mean I have been undercover for six months and in the time I got King to give me his empire. now I wanna take it down" The girl asks

" good cause here's the plan," the male agent says

Third-person POV

it was after the three agents left. everyone was confused as hell. what was going with Alex. who did she watch die? why was she mad at the girl who called her Regina? why was the girl called by a number instead of her name?

"Alex?" Ryan asks asking her to explain

" I can't explain if I don't know what is going on" She responds

" Well you seem to know a sure of hell lot more than us, so how about you tell us what you know." Ryan starts. everyone clearly agreeing

Alex goes to the fridge and grabs tequila then reaches in the cupboard for a shot glass. she proceeds to fill the shot glass and take a shot and does it one more before starting to talk " Regina is a queen in Italian... that's what I called my daughter." she says. then she walks away from the group not wanting to talk about it anymore because the pain was still there. her heart was throbbing and she wanted to burst out into tears. she wanted to through her fist through a wall. but she knew from experience it doesn't help. 

she goes onto the roof and stands looking at the city. it was beautiful with the sun setting. she checked in with the nanny saying to stay the night. she was in no condition to see Isabella. after that, she just stared before bursting out into tears because of all that was going through her head as she is no longer alive. she is no longer alive. she is no longer alive. her daughter is dead.

she feels the presence of another person and it was Owen. not the person she was expecting. but she knew that he would know how she felt. and he did. he felt the weight of his daughter's death every single day just like her. she turned to him and cried. he just hugged her. knowing there was nothing she could say to make this better. he could not say it gets better, because it doesn't. you just get better at hiding it.

Back inside Shelby asks Ryan, " did you know?" he looks at her dumbfounded. no, he did not know. how could she think that. "no I did not know" Ryan snapped

" Wow, wow calm down there," Harry says trying to make sure everyone stayed as calm as someone could when they just found out that one of their best friends had a child and never told them. ok, he was mad too.

" Sorry just thought you would because you were the one she most consistently slept with," Shelby says

"aw wow, thanks," Ryan says. he was mad because Shelby was right. most likely it was his. which means that Alex had his child and he never knew. he never knew her. it hurt. it hurt a lot. but he knew he could not take it out on Shelby.

" I am sorry," he says as he looks up. but she does not accept and shakes her head and walks out.  

There they stayed all even more confused but more than that they were mad and hurt. so they stayed where they were. while Alex cried her eyes out with Owen.

 Suddenly the girl came back and said, " I'mmmmmm back!!!"

"Well don't you all look sad" she states.

Author talks

sooooo what did you guys think? is Ryan right is Alex's kid his? or is it someone else's? when was she born? and is the girl right is she still alive?

leave comments to help me make it better!!!

Love tiercat!

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