The One Rule

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There they stayed all even more confused but more than that they were mad and hurt. so they stayed where they were. while Alex cried her eyes out with Owen.

Suddenly the girl came back and said, " I'mmmmmm back!!!"

"Well don't you all look sad" she states.

Alex Pov

I hear someone come in the house and say "I'mmmmmm back" then "Well don't you all look sad".  I retract from my hug with Owen. There is only one person I know who would say the besides Harry and that was not Harry. It was her. I need to ask her where my daughter is. I need to know. I need to find her. I need to know what happened in that hospital. I take a deep breath and walk inside.

Behind her were the two agents again. I never asked their name. I kinda feel bad but whenever she is around there is chaos. Suddenly a third agent walks in and walks into the group we formed around the girl. 

" Your orders from President Mathers," The agent says as she hands the girl the envelope and walks away exiting the building. The girl opens the envelope. inside are three smaller envelopes and handed one to each of the agents while opening the third. As she reads her eyes get larger and larger while the two agents' faces stay the same. After reading the envelope she nods to the two agents behind her. they leave. 

"Do you guys mind if I borrow your phone?" she asks smiling like she is forcing it because she is angry.

" This way," Owen says then proceeds to ask, " may I ask who are you calling?"

" The President of The United States of America" she answers casually.

Me, Owen, the girl, Ryan and Shelby arrive at the computer screen with a phone in it. The girl proceeds to call him.

The Girl POV

" Rose," He says as soon as he picks up using my fake name. the only name he knows.

" Mathers" I respond " you violated our contract" stating a fact. I can feel their eyes on me and the screen absorbing everything.

" well it was a stupid condition" The president states

" No, it is a standard rule for all CIA agents and FBI agents" I state

" Well I don't have a mission for you right now, so think it as a layover," he asks of me

" I will not do it," I say. I know he cannot lose me.

" well too bad. I am sorry but I have a call coming in from the sectary of defence" he says treating me like a child then proceeding to hang up on me. anger runs through me. How dare he!

" That little nut job" I exclaim. I am mad. the one thing I asked of him. of the FBI. of the CIA. it is a simple rule that all agents have to follow. the one rule I want to follow. How f***ing dare he.

" everything ok?" Shelby asks concerned 

" one rule! one rule that I ask he follow for me! one simple thing! but no he cannot even do that!" I rant. I gave him my life. my childhood. all I asked was that he follow this one simple rule!

" what rule is that?" Owen asks. I turn to face them. they all look so confused. well, they're about to be more confused. I made a deal with myself when I was younger. Never under ANY circumstances will I intrude on my parent's life. they would live their life and I, mine. but I guess that will be kinda hard when I am working with them.

" Under no circumstances whatsoever are FBI or CIA agents allowed to work with their parents,"  I say sadly. HOW DARE HE! I made the secretary of defence love him. I made the FBI love him. I made the CIA love him and you know how indecisive they are when it comes to politicals.

Author Speaks

sorry about the short chapter but it just seemed the natural ending. I will be writing the next one right after I publish this. sorry, it took so long I have been very busy. don't forget to leave comments on how to improve!

love tiercat

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