⋆ Nightmarish creatures ⋆

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You were tired. Oh so tired!
The last month's nights had really done a number on you...

You were the most average girl anyone could imagine, in your opinion.
Average looks, average intelligence, average popularity, average everything... except for your magical abilities.

Those have been causing you a lot of trouble and headaches ever since you turned 18 years old. They were also the cause of your problems with sleeping.

Falling asleep - okay, but still, you could never seem to drift into sleep peacefully once it had happened for the first time:
You apparated, randomly both in time and destination.

You didn't know why, you didn't know how and, most importantly, you had no clue how to control or stop it.
So a lot of your nights you spent restlessly wandering along hallways, dirt roads or meadows in order to, then, sneak back into Hogwarts' Gryffindor girls' dormitories.

Sometimes you were more successful in going unnoticed than others.
Unfortunately for you, the first time it happened, you had been discovered by none other than Professor Snape, who had been patrolling the hallways at that time.

Of course you had told him the whole story, but, you being a Gryffindoor, he hadn't believed you and wrote it off as some stupid excuse.

That grumpy git also reported your 'lies' to every other Professor on patrolling duty, so there went your chances of realistically asking for help with your not-so-little problem.

You were on your own and it frightened you:
What would happen if you were to apparate somewhere dangerous someday?
Somewhere you couldn't get out of on your own?

That question was soon to be answered.


It was Friday.
Today, the older years of your house were secretly hosting a party in the Gryffindor common rooms.
Had you not been so tired and exhausted, you would have been thrilled to get to spend some jolly time with your friends amidst the busy school schedule, but alas...
You had still been forced by your roommate to join in on the fun.

In the end you weren't even mad about it, after all, this way you could put off sleeping for another few hours without putting in too much effort.
It distracted you.

You had fun, danced, laughed, fooled around and secretly drank some fire whiskey to calm your nerves.
Even so, you had to leave eventually.
While going up to the sleeping chamber you were sharing with your best friend Anne, you noticed how no Professor had been complaining about the volume the party downstairs was currently at.
If you weren't mistaken, Snape was supposed to be on duty today, stepping in for Lupin, who had spontaneously fallen ill again.

'...just like last month...', you thought.

Oh well...
You just shrugged it off. Not your problem, and besides, you had far more urgent things to do at the moment, as you were literally about to doze off on the spot, which would be sort of bad...


You stepped through the creaking wooden door of your room, threw your bag and cloak over a chair and changed into a set of cozy sleeping clothes after hopping over into the prefects' bathroom for a quick bath.
The hot water always seemed to soothe both your tense muscles and soul. You hoped it would do you some good, especially on a night like this.
Full moon.

A Werewolf with a Lion's Heart {Remus Lupin x Reader} Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя